Sunday 27 June 2010


Being asked to talk about FACT during this partial lunar eclipse energy. In "point of fact' in reality or in truth. Information based upon real occurrences is what we share. Being a real person is a fact, being divine, holy and true is also a fact based upon the evidence of our experiences, also confirmed by others that experienced it too. Life experience is the sacred text of knowledge and when that experience is integrated it becomes wisdom, and that can only be truly understood in the heart of being. The real seat of intelligence. 

When you have found wisdom within yourself then you are ready to receive wisdom from the divine outside of yourself. Only then will you truly understand it and have the humility to accept it. Acceptance keeps coming up in the crop circles and acceptance is the thymus level of consciousness. The Thymus is also to do with the immune system and when you are vibrating at that level you are immune to the negativity of the earthly realm. You are going with the flow of cosmos, swimming with the tide and not against it. Life becomes easy and flows in harmonic concordance with the divine plan including your life purpose on planet earth. 

Acceptance is also to do with responsibility because without responsibility and being spiritually disciplined you would not have reached the level of "I ACCEPT." Acceptance doesn't mean that you have to embrace it just means that you allow others to be, with love in your eyes and heart. You are like the ever loving dolphin and graceful swan that allows the emotions of others to just slide off your wings that are covered in the pure and natural oil of God. 

The fact of the matter is the truth and the point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping. However, you move on from that to the sword of mercy and then if you fulfill your initiation of being merciful in everything that you do. then you are given the wisdom of the LORD directly, if you are open to receive it. 

[Latin factumdeed, from neuter past participle of facereto do; see dh- in Indo-European roots.][1]

Is knowledge a fact? How can it be when winners wrote history?

Truth changes as people evolve to completion of truth within themselves. The best fact finding is within the self otherwise known as soul searching. It is through soul searching that people find the truth, that truth then evolves the more that they heal, and in so doing they eliminate perceptions of reality that are an illusion that have no basis in reality of that which is real. 

The book of Genesis tells you not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge or you shall surely die. It advises everyone to eat from the the Tree of Life experience. Why is that? Knowledge does not bring life to the people. Knowledge does not heal the people and the nations. Some say knowledge is power and look where that has led the nations? 

Some say truth is subjective. However, I do agree with Carl Jung, his truth was also based upon the evidence of his experience. 

 "The prominence of the subjective factor does not imply a personal subjectivism, despite the readiness of the extraverted attitude to dismiss the subjective factor as nothing but subjective. The subjective is not as subjective as we think, for the deeper we reach into the psychic currents of inner life, the more we leave behind the merely personal and touch those elements of experience that are timeless, unaffected by personalitic factors, and thus in a certain sense truly objective."

"Whoever speaks of the reality of the soul or psyche is accused of "psychologism". Psychology is spoken of as if it were "only' psychology and nothing else. The notion that there can be psychic factors which correspond to divine figures is regarded as a devaluation of the latter. It smacks of blasphemy to think that a religious experience is a psychic process....Faced with this situation, we must really ask: How do we know so much about the psyche that we can say 'only' psychic?

The meaning of the word psychology as been corrupted by those that did not understand the soul, just like a great deal of history. Its original meaning was study of the soul. Is there a university in the world that empowers people to study and understand the soul consciousness through life experience? Self development should be included in every educational training course. Otherwise, those that have not healed take their issues into education, health and the workplace. Repeating the same cycles instead of breaking them through healing and rising up e.g. ascending the being. 

Some parents also pass their own issues onto their children via genetics, memory and experience. Nature, nurture and environment. 

As the Christ said 'Forgive them father for they know not what they do". To know what a wonderful term, gnosis. To truly know for the self is what reality is really all about. To know the cosmos due to your own experiences, to see orbs of light in your living room, to see the energy floating about in nature, to see and hear the Spirit of God is mighty indeed. It is at that point that you know that you are truly blessed and 'I AM BLESSED' is the level of the throat. 

When all was said and done Plato said that philosophers would make the best leaders. At the end of Carl Jung's life he regretted that he had not spent his whole life studying that which us mystics already know. He wished that he had spent his life studying spiritual alchemy and mysticism. However, he was well ahead of his time and should be pleased with what he accomplished in the time that he was on earth. 

"For thousands of years rites of initiation have been teaching rebirth from the spirit, yet man has forgotten the meaning of divine initiatory procreation in our times. I simply believe that some part of the human self or soul is not subject to the laws of space and time. This forgetfulness causes him to suffer a loss of soul, a condition that sadly is everywhere present today. 

Carl Jung was telling people the same as the Christ they had forfeited their soul. 

Some will say science is a fact, well now one scientist Professor Willian Tiller discovered that the outcome of scientific trials are determined by the intention of the researcher for a specific outcome. Now that has vast implications for the pharmaceutical industry and those that take its drugs. 

We also know from the Human Genome project that for 50 years scientists had been telling the world about the DNA without realizing that they had been removing one of the most important parts' the proteins. Now if you removed all the proteins from your DNA would you then be able to know the truth? Ponder upon it. 

Now if you remove negative memory from your being and transmute it then ponder on how divine you can become. 

Truth evolves as humanity evolves out of a purely earthly reality and the more humanity learn about the self; the more that they will know and understand the facts of the cosmos and the spiritual law. 

In healing the self you don't only help yourself, you also help your children and the rest of humanity. In giving love to the self in healing, the day comes when you become divine love in manifestation on the earth plane and truly divine. 


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