Saturday 5 June 2010

Sacred Crop Circle

This is a beautiful crop circle found at Codfield, St Peter, Warminster, Wiltshire on the 3rd of June 2010. Photograph copyright of Lucy Pringle, shared here courtesy of Crop Circle Connector. [1]

Well what a beauty, we have the string of pearls of wisdom combined with the multiple vesica pisces sacred geometry that is on our website.  It feels like the importance of the messages that we have been providing for the eclipses in recent years is now making sense to people and they are linking up all the dots of how the eclipses link together. 

I count 12 large circles plus the inner one makes 13 and 13 is the number of ECHAD = ONE. There is also 13 little ball circles and 13 x 2 = 26 and that is the gematria value of the name of God. 26 in numerology is also the number of partnerships and this is about our sacred relationship with God. 

If you then add the 12 little dots on the outside of the crop circle you then have 38 and that is the number of 'Grace Under Pressure'. There are also 12 points to the inner shape and as we know there are currently 12 astrological signs, it feels like there is a one year timing link with this crop circle. If we add 38 to the inner sections we then have the value of 40. 40 is the gematria value of MEM. In the ancient pictographs it is a symbol of water and water is associated with the divine feminine. If we then add the 12 oval shapes we have the number 52 and 52 is the age of the spiritual elder. In gematria it is also the value of 'Son' and 'Messiah'. 'The Word of the Lord' and "Let there be Light" and 'Healing'. [2]
We cannot ignore the fact that this crop circle is in St Peter and its link with the Church. Also in CODFIELD, the field of the fishes. In gematria Codfield is the same value as 'mandate' and 'Father'. Three mandates come to the fore in this three year. The first is the UN mandate for Israel that is under fire as is their nation. The second mandate is my own with God and the third is the Covenant given by God for the Children of the World. 

The true Christ teachings will be unveiled to humanity and it will be like people have seen them for the very first time. This crop circle is like a new flower of life and with its 12 petals it is to do with the heart chakra of divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. Its the level of consciousness of 'WE GIVE DIVINE LOVE". 

Neither can we ignore that the Crop Circle is near WARminster as the world is on the brink. The unveiling could not happen until the appointed time in harmonic concordance with the divine plan. 

This crop circle is sacred and as such we shall call it so. Its like a sacred flower filled with the wisdom from God that is unfolding before the eyes of the world. Grace under pressure indeed! 

Glory be to God 


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