Tuesday 29 June 2010

Sulphur and Archangel Michael

The picture above courtesy of wikipedia of the sulphur is fascinating. To begin with we have the crystalline structure. In the picture at the top you can see the structure is burning and as it burns with the heat the sulphur melts to a blood red liquid. As we know blood is also symbolic of life and in Christian symbology it is the life of the Spirit.

Then in the next picture you can see the blue flames with tinges of lavender in comparison with the green. Does it remind you of heaven and earth? However, a royal blue flame is known to be associated with Archangel Michael and the Holy Mother for those that have experienced it and seen it. The pastel blues and lavender are colours of Quan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion and Mercy. They are also colours of healing and the lavender is to do with the sweet dew of purification mentioned in the Buddhist texts, its also called the purple dew. Many healers see these colours when they are engaged in healing. Some say green is also the colour of the heart energy centre.

In the past orthodox Christians have engaged in what is known as "fire and brimestone" sermons when in fact the essence of the biblical meaning is quite the reverse. Archangel Michael's sword of truth is mighty indeed and he certainly does make his point very clear. The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping. However, the manner in which he delivers his communication is so powerful, to the point and concise that it can trigger others and what they hold inside. The light triggers the darkness and the darkness triggers the light until there is no more darkness left. Those that understand spiritual alchemy understand this well enough.

I was blessed to work with Archangel Michael for over three years and a lot of the work that we did together was on and about communication itself. It was part of my direct divine training but it was also to share with others. Archangel Michael is the Archangel of the teachers and since 2005 he has been working with the new teachers of ecology and self-sustainability. Giving them the power of his might and preparing them for what is ahead of them.

The first time I saw Archangel Michael it was in the middle of the night. My Persian Spirit guide at the time pulled at my bedclothes to wake me up and I asked him why he was waking me up? He said 'You are now ready for the teachings of Archangel Michael'. I wasn't amused at being woken up, so turned over to go back to sleep. Then within about five minutes my bedroom was completely lit up by his energy. He stood there regally at end of my bed, as he looked down upon me and I looked up at him and his face, he then spoke to me. He delivered the message and left as fast as he arrived. The manner in which he arrived and left felt like Superman.

That was the beginning of our relationship and the start of the creative and spiritual alchemy work together. A great deal of the dictations and discourse was published at the time. There was one time when I received a call from an holistic doctor in the UK. She had received a call from a colleague in the USA, the lady was raving and excited about an Archangel Michael dictation that had been shared at a meditation group. The holistic doctor knew my work and was able to put the lady straight about who received the dictation and that it had been received by me in England. One might ask why were the credits removed? Were the people that removed the credits living in integrity?

The sacred union with the divine is the cure for all ills.

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