Saturday 5 June 2010

God said "EMBARGO"

On Friday the 4th June 2010 God said 'EMBARGO' while we were writing the interpretation of the Hexagon Crop Circle on this blog.  Now today we see the next part of the global plan by those that stand against Israel is embargo. Sweden is now boycotting Israeli cargo. [1]

There were six points to that crop circle.

1. Flotilla

2. Egypt opens the border (3,500 have now gone into Gaza) [2] It seems there are different reports on how many are going back and forth. One report states 2,000 in and 2,000 out.

3. Embargo against Israel [1]

4. Iran offers military ship to help next flotilla in late summer.

5. Hamas refuses to accept the aid from the recent flotilla.


1 comment:

Eliakim said...

Val I am the woman from Revelation 12 and the Christ told me the 1260 days were over in December 2008. He then said now we will go into a higher gear and within days we started the blog. There is a painting of me in the vatican and a lot more will be revealed in God's timing.

The crescent moon under my feet is Islam. The stars above my head is to do with a state of being. The man mentioned in Rev 12 was a real man who tried to stop me and the work for God. When I met him I was working with Archangel Michael professionally.

Its not long now for us to reveal the truth. God brought the editor and now we are just waiting for God to bring the right publisher and TV documentary maker.