Thursday 3 June 2010

Lady and the Lamp - The Nightingale

Yesterday during the afternoon, a lovely little Nightingale came to call and I thought how pretty and then thought no more of it. Nightingale as been singing a lot and there seems to be a lot of them outside where I live. They sing both night and day. Their song is loud and impressive, I love waking up to them singing. It is written that singing at dawn, during the hour before sunrise, is important in defending the bird's territory. They have to sing loudly to overcome background noise and its wonderful to hear the loud crescendo like listening to a choir. Associated with poets symbolically and poets viewed the bird as a "Master of a Superior Art that could inspire the human poet". 

And Shelley wrote: "A poet is a nightingale who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds; his auditors are as men entranced by the melody of an unseen musician, who feel that they are moved and softened, yet know not whence or why.” [1]

After that God said 'Jews and Muslims are ashamed' and it is clear that he was talking about the recent flotilla disaster. 

Very late last night, I was in the process of writing an email to a friend in Holland and then a vision of a nurse appeared above and to the right of my right hand. I could not miss her, she was wearing a blue/grey uniform with white cuffs and collar. She was also wearing a large cap, she felt very reassuring and kindly like nurses do, it felt like she had come to help. Here is what I saw and it is the Nightingale uniform. [2]

After I saw her,  I was making a drink and God said 'CRIMEAN WAR'. How appropriate, WAR IS A CRIME AND ITS MEAN, its also mean to commit a war crime. Today, due to the events that have been going on in the middle east I decided to take a look at the Crimean War to get a bigger picture regarding the message from God. 

Well, what do you know, the Crimean war involved the Holy Land. It was a war where there were tactical and logistical errors on both sides. Due to the changes in modern warfare it impacted on the future and how wars were fought. It is also written that it was also the first war to be documented in photographs. God is telling us that this is a technological information war that ended in violence and death. However, this time it wasn't photographs but videos. Most people are not aware that it was the Turkish that first published their videos of the disaster attacking the soldiers. Nor are they aware that the Turkish have been hacking forums and sending viruses to forums that have discussed information on their actions. 

I am aware that its probably obvious by now to most intelligent people that this was a publicity stunt and not a true humanitarian aid flotilla. However, be not fooled by the current blockade, if the blockade is broken,  next it will be Jerusalem, then the rest of Israel and then the rest of the world. 

This is a life or death situation for Israel and its time for the nurse. 
Lady and the Lamp 

The other aspect of the Crimean war is that there was a very special lady called the 'Lady and the Lamp' and her name was the legendary Florence Nightingale. She worked with the Turkish army tending their wounds and although Italian from birth she spent most of her life in England. She was given money to set up a Nightingale Training School at St. Thomas's, London and there are four hospitals in Istanbul that bear her name as well as many other establishments around the world. 

She was a very strong woman and a pioneer in her field of health and healing, she never hid the fact that she had been called by God to do his will. She was good at mathematics and liked pie charts. In fact, one of the recent crop circles looks very much like one of her diagrams. She did not only inspire poets and writers, she has inspired people all over the world to nurse each other back to life. May the 'Lady and the Lamp' be a lantern of light and hope for the nations at this time and heal the wounds of pride on all sides. May Israel rise up to the challenges that it faces to move everyone beyond their current comprehension of reality. 

Lo! in that house of misery

A lady with a lamp I see

Pass through the glimmering gloom,
And flit from room to room.
Longfellow, 1857 

I am sure it did not miss your attention that she comes at NIGHT IN [A] GALE wind of God. 

You could say that she is the midwife helping others to give birth. 

This year, 2010 is the UN International Year of the Nurse. 

May God bring healing peace to earth. 


It gives us great pleasure to add the birth of a child to this post. When a child is born the joy is infectious. 

Baby Florence, Rose Endellion arrived September 2010 and will live at No 10. 

God bless her...



Eliakim said...

The Cardinal Grand Cross – 7th Aug 2010

"This year sees some very powerful planetary line-ups. The most striking of these occurs as Saturn, Pluto & Uranus form a challenging t-square in the cardinal signs over the summer. Indeed between 30th July and 7th August this year, we will experience a specific planetary configuration of the highest potency, prompted by Saturn & Mars entering the sign of Libra and a cardinal t-square forming into a grand cross. On 7th August, Saturn, Mars & Venus are conjunct in Libra opposing Uranus & Jupiter in Aries – making a grand cross with Pluto in Capricorn opposed Moon in Cancer. This whole configuration is exact within 5 degrees spanning the first 5 degrees of the cardinal signs. (see chart below).

It is many years since we have experienced a cardinal grand cross of this magnitude and it suggests to me that the events of this year carry tremendous significance for the future of humanity and our planet. We could call it a make-or-break year, a year where the choices we make and the actions we take carry a greater weight and importance and we may feel the weight and expectations of generations past and future upon our shoulders in a particularly intense or focussed way. I see this as a year where we are all being held to account, challenged to act with the highest integrity, to stand up for what we believe, align ourselves to our own deepest truth and act from that place. We are living in extraordinary times of unprecedented change, both in terms of consciousness shift and in geo-polictical-economic terms.

Eliakim said...

After we made the post about Martyrdom - A Crime or Initiation post. I took my son to get some food. After we returned there were two nightingales sitting on the fence, they flew to the ground and the took off in flight together. This tells me that two very important people stopped sitting on the fence and made their righteous choice from their heart of conscience and integrity after reading that information. Two is the number of the lovers and that can also create harmony together in the sacred relationship with God.

Two become one when they fly in the same direction together. They let the winds flow between them and soar like eagles when all is said and done.

People are beginning to realize and understand the God's words about the cosmos and the fact that it is not a one way street.

God bless those birds whomever they are.

God is with you and will feed you whatever seeds you require to fulfill your divine purpose for being.