Monday 21 June 2010

Solstice Crop Circle

Well here we are on the Solstice and a lovely crop circle arrived in Wiltshire, the landowners will not allow the exact location to be revealed and have threatened legal action if anyone does reveal it.

They have also threatened to mow anymore that turn up on their land. They are not amused by these messages. However, how amazing that the ariel shots taken by John Montgomery capture a huge heart at the side of the crop circle and that is a big message to the land owners and also to humanity. Most who have worked with the ley lines of the world for decades say that the heart chakra of the planet is in England, so no surprise to see the heart at the side of the Message.

How wonderful it is that the heart is shown to us again on this Summer Solstice.

As you know I view the crop circles differently to others, although all interpretations can show people a different view. There you can see the heart in the field next to the crop circle. From a distance one of the main shapes look like an ancient tool. These photographs are the copyright of John Montgomery, posted here courtesy of Crop Circle Connection, see link below. [1]

As you can the crop itself is disk shape and and there are many grooves to it. The grooves are also to do with the grooves of consciousness in my humble view. The music of the spheres and the sound of the soul. There are ten main light sections and ten dark sections. Ten is the number of the wheel of fortune and new cycle of time.

20 is the number of judgement and that links in with ELOKIM and the messages received over the weekend. If we view the outer rim and start moving into the inner grooves we have 11 and with the outer rim we have 12 before people reach the centre, the source of their being.

Number 11 is a master number and its the number of the 'Clenched Fist' and the opposing forces within that struggle against each other, until people overcome. When people struggle with themselves and their own souls they also struggle with God.

In numerology,  12 is the number of the 'Victim' and people being a victim of their own reality and processes of the dark competing with the light. As we have said previously this is the time that the Sons of Light take on the Sons of Darkness that are not prepared to heal themselves and move into the heart of the source of all being in the cosmos.

As England is a Christian nation where the crop and heart was discovered, we will also include that the number 12 is associated with the number of Apostles. In spirituality it can also relate to the 12 major energy centers in the body as well. It was reported on the 21st June 2010 and that is the 'Day of Rapture', the bible states that it will be the dead in Christ that will rise first.

If we add up the depth and breadth we have 20 + 12 = 32. 32 is the number of communication and the media of visionary arts, its certainly a good time for the social visionaries to use visual arts to communicate with people and that links back to us mentioning that in the FILM MAKER eclipse article. 

If we then add the centre circle then we have 33 aspects to the crop circle. 33 is the number creativity and this is a three year of innovative creative solutions. 33 is also related to the 333 Sophia Wisdom Gateway opening in Greece on the 3rd of March 2010. If we then add the whole crop circle as a number we have 34 and that is the number of spiritual wisdom. 

The date it was reported is also 363 energy and in Hebrew gematria 363 is 'Messiah', 'God's Seed', 'The Breastplate', 'The Woman's Son'. 'In Mount Zion', 'Help me Oh LORD', 'For he Shall stand at the right hand of the poor'. [2]

No coincidence that this crop arrived the day after I write a Sonnet to God called 'Day of Appeal'. 

Happy Solstice! 



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