Thursday 17 June 2010

Silencing the Lambs

Today, we have been communicating about children and nature on the children's blog. In a previous post on the 'Guilt Offering of the Lamb' we mentioned the Coyotes who go for the throat of the lamb to silence it. This is one of the paragraphs from the previous post. 

"God has his way of teaching humanity through the nature of animals and this picture of the Coyotes are going for the throat of the lamb to kill it.  Why the throat? As we know the throat is about communication and it is showing you that the people in coyote energy will try to stop you communicating the truth and how you are blessed by God with divine experience."

Why do people try to silence the gentle hearted lamb from making the sound of the BA? In Egyptian spirituality the Ba is the soul and we have explained many times to people in recent years that the gentle lamb is symbolic of the soul. Although orthodox Christians refuse to take this on board. 

I have no interest in watching horror films so I have not seen the film 'Silence of the Lambs'. However, from reading the short write up about the film it is about a murderer and the discourse is about what people covet for their own sake. To covet something can be found in many forms, it can be to stop freedom of speech, to stop people that are offering innovative creative solutions that challenge prevailing world views or belief systems. We have also been discussing the pathological disbelief of that which people have not experienced or understand. 

In that way their covet is like a covert operation; to disenable by silencing the one that is perceived to challenge their world views and belief systems that they are attached to like a ball and chain. Interesting that we wrote about the broken chain on the G8 Crop Circle yesterday. When the chain is broken then the chain of earthly command is also broken. This allows people to ascend beyond earthly realities and their own enslavement co-created by fixed belief systems. 

People with the ball and chain will try everything to stop truth reaching the world, they will even slander and libel truth tellers if their covert methods do not work. To act in that way is often due to unmet needs and wants that have not been met and healed. The soul requires an inner sanctum of peace to reach its fullest potential and contentment with life itself. 

To covet something in a biblical sense is also related to removing ownership and responsibility. Removing the blessings of the divine from the children. Its also about the envy, and desire and both the Christ and the Buddha taught that desire craves and is the cause of all pain and suffering. This can also relate to people who do not allow freedom of speech that can help humanity to move beyond materialistic, religious, scientific or academic world views that keep people in the status quo. 

It can be hard work for the pioneers that have already crossed the new frontiers of the golden age. When others use their human will to do and say anything to try to stop them from bringing the moral compass of truth to the world. It makes one wonder how many people truly understand the wherefores of how self-sustainable peace is made possible. How many people truly understand the universal spiritual law in these times? 

It is clearly shared in the NT that all the commandments can be summed up in these words. 'Love Your Neighbour as yourself". However, if people do not love themselves they do not love their neighbours either. So what we are actually talking about in regard to those that attempt to silence the lambs is a lack of self-worth due to a lack of self love. I understand that the word for hate in its original translation in Greek is 'less love and St Augustine wrote to St Jerome that the word evil really means less goodness. So in effect, we only have love and less of it. 

The Dead Sea Scrolls predicts that this is the final showdown between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light, fixed mindsets and beliefs systems have brought this planet and its people to the brink of self-destruction. Its time for change that is healthy for human consciousness and the nature of the planet. Its time for health and education to change as well. Man's modern ways of dealing with health and education have not worked, it has just helped to co-create a materialistic society of an unhealthy consciousness that is like a slide into the sand pit. 

In the book of James it is written "You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God".

People often remark that when they asked God they did not get what they wanted. That can be for a few reasons. 

1. Are you dialing the right number?
2. Is it for your highest good? 
3. Do you love yourself and your neighbour in the same way or are you trying to silence the lamb? 
4. Do you love God with all of your heart and soul? 

God responds to those that come from a heart of pure intention. He will not help those that transgress the spiritual law until they stop doing so. Prophet Micah spoke about man's plans of inquity, how people plot against others laying in their beds. How in the morning they carry out their plans to seize the fields and houses of other people. How man defrauds a man of  his home and his inheritance. The Spirit of the LORD responds about how they take away the blessing of his children and yet he promises to deliver the house of Jacob. It mentions how one will break open the way before them and then they will break through the gate and go out. It also says that their King will pass through before them, the LORD at their head. Micah 2. 

The head can also be symbolic of healing because it is in the direction of the North and the crown. 

Nobody can silence this lamb even though many have tried. 

Today, is the 17th of June and it is the 'Day of Force"

May the force be with you in the best possible way that is healthy for you and humanity. 

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