Wednesday 25 August 2010

Abba said 'Serendipity'.

Yesterday morning, I woke up with a vision of a woman and child surrounded with the cosmic images and colours of our spiritual psychology website. When I took the baby in my arms I looked at it adoringly, I stroked its head and then all of a sudden there was a world-wide cosmic happening. I felt this was to do with new science and new biology, I also felt there would be a new scientific discovery to do with mothers and the babies that they carry in their wombs.

The last time I held a real baby in my arms was in 2005, when my family brought my first niece from abroad to see me. We have a strong connection and she has visited me since on a soul level, she is a rainbow child and as we know rainbows are good omens, symbolic of hope and a reminder of God's covenant with us. Every child can be viewed in this way.

During that time we were working on the development of the new website that was planned to be launched at the first Personal Development exhibition at London Excel, January 2006. We had been invited to lecture at the exhibition, so it made sense for it to be the launch pad for the new website, for spiritual psychology that had been divinely given. Within three months of the launch I was given directions to go to Israel (May 2006). The first mission to Israel catapulted a whole new phase of the divine plan that unfolded before me. As such everything else in my life, all projects had to go on a back burner. Israel was now the number one priority in the divine plan.  Then in 2008, I was sent to the USA and then America and its people became another priority.

After I received the vision and held the baby in my arms yesterday, ( a second niece did arrive on the planet in 2010). I then got up and responded to emails. After an important email was sent to a very important person, Abba said 'Serendipity'. I had to look up the meaning of the word because it is not one that I use.

Serendipity is defined as when you are looking for something and then you find something else instead, some believe it to be purely by accident.  It can relate to scientific discoveries that people make due to their intuition, divine guidance or gut responses. However, how many scientists own up to the fact that they have been divinely guided? How many own up to the fact that they have received messages and visions from God and his divine messengers?

I feel sure that many come to this blog looking for something that they had searched for on the internet, what did they find? They discover something or someone that they did not expect nor were they looking for what they found.  Do they then appreciate the serendipity? Some might also call it synchronicity. I like the play on words with serend and surrender, I can also understand that it is a pity if people do not surrender to the cosmic eventualities and signs that are being shown to them. It can also be viewed that God takes pity on humanity and helps people to find the right way through the serendipity of his zealous compassionate action.

Would a scientist reject an amazing discovery that can help to heal humanity if it challenged his belief system? I feel not, I feel his excitement and joy at holding the bundle of joy in his arms would be infectious. Just like holding a new born baby, the new birth, the new beginning, the fresh start and the purity of love.

When the people came to the gathering in Israel in May 2006, I am sure some found something different to what they were looking for or expecting. It surely was an example of serendipity and how God works. We were blessed to meet some students that were doing their degrees at that time. We were able to share and point them in the right direction of the cutting edge new scientists. Especially important because the work of these amazing scientists supports and underpins the spiritual law of the cosmos.

This morning, I received another vision. Today, it was the eye ball and inside the eye ball was the cosmos. The eye is also a primary image on our website. It is time for us to return to work that we have done in the past and bring it into the present. Some of it will be included in a book on the truth of the Christ teachings. With the pure intention to help Christians, so that they can understand the importance of the spiritual psychology that the Christ implemented,  to help his followers and those that stood against him.

There was also a lovely film called 'Serendipity' and it is a love story. Our love story is the sacred union with the divine. When the spiritual journey of the divine training began all those decades ago,  I was soul searching and seeking peace of mind within. Well the serendipity that took place brought far greater realities and discoveries that I did not even know existed. It has been a wonderful journey and it gives us great pleasure to share it for the glory of God. Completion of truth does exist!

When You Know 



I haven't seen the film. Listening to that song again I just noticed
the name written in the book and number. Divine Providence
indeed Abba.

Love you.....

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