Tuesday 31 August 2010

National Karma

Do the nations have individual karma? Of course they do because people are not separate from the land on which they live. Is it in the bible? Yes, and it begins with the book of Exodus where it states that the deeds of the Fathers impact on the next 3-4 generations. People are also warned not to cut the flesh and we now know scientifically that if children are cut in childhood it mutates the genetics. The measure that you give will be the measure that you receive. The karma of many nations are mentioned in the bible for those that have the eyes to see it and understand it on a spiritual level. 

Many may wonder why we have not mentioned Pakistan since our post on the millions of sea shells that turned up on the beaches. [1]

You may also remember that God warned humanity about cultural genocide and its perpetrators in December 2007, published on the internet in January 2008. God as been warning humanity about its transgressions of the spiritual law via his Navi for a very long time. Violence disempowers the soul and vexes the Spirit of God.

Here is an article on the Islamic genocide of Hindu's.


End the Islamic Occupation and Oppression 

Its time for all Muslims to embrace healing and non-violence, its the only way that they can break the never ending karmic cycles. History and current events show us that Islam is a religion of anarchy and lawlessness. No surprise then that Obama is in the White House.

Where is the Hindu Holocaust Museum?

As the Christ said 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'.

Afganistan pre-Islam.

The spiritual law is supreme in divine justice and it is beyond most peoples comprehension due to them being in attachment of earthly reality. The rains of purification will keep falling until the people are willing to break the karmic cycles by healing the self.

The biblical prophecies predict that shame will cover the glory of Islam and it tells them to drink and be exposed. No coincidence then that during Ramadan, this weekend, the front page news was the shame of the Pakistani cricketeers and those that fixed the game.

The just and righteous are ten steps ahead of those that wish to oppress humanity with any religion.

The spiritual law is spiritual for good purpose, it is in place to defend the spiritual that are having a human experience. The cosmic and universal law that is part of every nation, culture, planet and person.

As Abba said 'It is not a one way street'.

Later on this afternoon Abba said 'Punjab'.

This article is about discrimination by the Islamic authority and the NGO's. As we know many NGO's and charities have been infiltrated so it is no surprise that discrimination is taking place in the Punjab.

"Islamabad, Aug.27: The Pakistani authorities may have been claiming that they are leaving no stone unturned in providing relief to flood affected people, however, its discriminating face has come to the fore with over 5000 Hindu families complaining of not receiving any help from the government." [2]

1. http://christvisionloveunion.blogspot.com/2010/08/millions-of-seashells-pakistan.html 
2. http://www.dailyindia.com/show/393868.php 

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