Monday 2 August 2010

Michelangelo's Mystery Woman

In this fresco by Michelangelo you will see three children and a mysterious woman who does not appear to be named. The fresco is called 'Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joram". 

Asa is from Aramaic and it means 'Heal, Healer'. Jehoshaphat in Hebrew means 'God will judge'. Joram means 'God is exalted'. 

Heal, healer, God will judge, God is exalted. When healers are healing they are often helping others to release their own judgements of themselves. When the people accept and release self judgement they begin to heal naturally, eventually they also cease to judge others. So when God judges through his holy ones it is with the intention to raise people up out of their own transgressions of the self. 

Michelangelo as put the mystery woman in an arch frame and this connects to other fresco's that relate to her.  Just outside of the arch frame you will see plaster castings above the arch and it features shells and acorns. As we know acorns grow into oak trees, in healing, the flower essence oak is for those that often over-work. Flower essence manufacturer's Sun Essences (Norfolk, England) stated that this flower essence helps to bring resistence to stress, the strength and endurance of the Oak Tree.  The Oak is also connected symbolically with Abraham. 

The shells are also related to healing and healing energy can be put through shells fresh from the beach to aid people to heal the heart of emotion. You will see upon her head is a golden crown that is mainly hidden from sight by a head covering. This indicates that in her head she is humble and does not seek glory for herself. Symbolically it is also to protect her from the invasion of others so that others cannot take her crown. The material is on the back of her head and defended her from those that stand behind her. This also indicates that she did not share all that she knows for divine purpose. The material is also white and that is symbolic of purity and pure intention. 

She is sitting on some steps and you can see two of them. Two is indicating two important steps that she takes to help others. Two is also the number of the lovers. She is wearing orange and orange is a Buddhist colour. Michelangelo is divulging a hidden message by giving the mystery woman the colour orange to wear. Also around her waist and the garment on her right leg is the colour of stonework. 

Her eyes are closed as if in a meditation with the children at the same time as sending energy to the innocent ones. There is one child on her back and they have their hand over her mouth at the same time as kissing her cheek. Another child is drinking from the bosom of her wisdom and the third child is comforted in her arms. She is accepting the gift of kisses, providing the milk and comfort to those children that require it. 

If you zoom in on what one would think is her hand. It isn't a hand at all. It is a hill with two roots coming from it. The number two again is significant and in my humble view it relates to the 2nd millennium when she would be seen with the children. 

Just like the fresco of Prophet Joel her right leg is the only leg that is featured under the material, the right is also the direction of spirituality. Behind her in the shadows is another woman that knows about her mission of compassion with the children. If you zoom into the background, there is also an owl with the woman in the shadow behind her. The woman in the shadow also had three children. 

The web gallery of art state that this fresco is compact and is very similiar to the allegory of Charity. This fresco is indicating that her work with the children would be seen in the 2nd millennium. It was in 2000 that she launched Angels Healing Trust - A Mission of Compassion for depressed and suicidal children. Following that she also launched a range of flower essence combination remedies as well as providing specific remedies when required for healing. These remedies were also made for the children that she was blessed to work with in the healing process. 

The lady in the shadows was also present with her when she saw the Holy Mother on a healing training course for the very first time in 1997.  

The mysterious woman in orange was well known in the spiritual community in the Galilee of the Gentiles as a clairvoyant and spiritual teacher. However, the divine experience with Mother Mary was destined to change her life forever. That was when Mother Mary told her, that her suffering was over and she wept in response. The following year she was sent to Australia and it was during the Christmas holidays there in 1998, that Mother Mary visited her again and  gave her a mission with the depressed children. The following summer the Christ came and imparted his message to her. Once again, a life changing experience never to be forgotten. 

The accuracy of the messages hidden in these frescos is astounding. 

This is the time for selfless acknowledgement for the sake of humanity and the children of the world. She did her utmost to raise awareness of the importance of creating healing domes for children. Also blessed to design and implement a new empowerment model for underprivileged families. 

What came out of God's holy hill was a healer that was divinely trained to work with the root causes of the core issues for the sake of the children. In doing God's will as instructed, God was exalted. 

There are four main people in that fresco and four is the number of practicality. There is a fifth with the lady in the shadows. Five is the number of manifestation, it also relates to the fifth dimension of divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. 

God is exalted because he kept his promise to humanity. 

He delivered his Messenger of the Covenant. 

At the bottom of this blog you will see her again in the ELIAKIM fresco. 


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