Friday 30 January 2009

Birth Psychology - Origins of Violence


Let us continue with the DIVINE CHILD it is very important that humanity learn about 'Birth Psychology" and the harm that can be created when a child is born. The birth of a child can be very traumatic and these memories can impact adversely on the rest of the life of the human being.

When you are healing the inner child you can also go back to heal the experience of the birth process. 80% of all pregnancies start out as twins, are you longing for your soul mate?


How was your birth? My own son nearly died during the birth process, the contractions suddenly stopped, there was panic from the midwife, it was an emergency and they called a doctor. I was cut open and Jordan had a forceps delivery. Can you imagine what that might have been like for the baby? Metal forceps pulling him out of the womb of creation, starting life in a traumatic way.

During the healing of my own inner child I was taken back to pre-birth and even while in the womb of my mother I decided that I did not wish to be born. I was aware of what was ahead of me and I was not looking forward to it at all. Many children can be born with a 'victim' mentality due to the birth process. To heal the victim and the origins of violence 'inner child' healing is essential.

For more information about 'Birth Psychology'


Circumcision: The Cruelest Cut

Then after the child is born some cultural traditions circumcise the child and this is another violation of the baby, the baby has only just arrived and now they cut the skin of the child. The child is welcomed into the world by giants that erode the boundaries of the child as soon as it enters the world.

Jesus Christ was against circumcision, when the Apostles asked him about circumcision he replied that if you were meant to be circumcised then you would have been born like it from the mother.

His disciples said to him: Is circumcision beneficial or not? He said to them: If it were beneficial, their father would begat them circumcised from their mother. But the true circumcision in spirit gives the ultimate benefit. Gospel of Thomas

Some people realize that circumcision is barbaric and has no place in the 21s century. "Jews Against Circumcision" also state that Rabbi Moses Maimonides himself acknowledged that circumcision is done to desensitize the penis and curb masturbation. I can also confirm that it has nothing to do with a covenant with God. Moses did not circumcise and when Joshua circumcised the people again the bible states that they received no more manna from heaven. Anyone that hurts a child in thought, word or deed is in contravention of the universal law of God.

"No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the LORD." Deuteronomy 23:1 "Only the third generation of children born to them (UNCUT) may enter the assembly of the Lord." Deut 8


The bible also talks about traditions of men being a hollow and deceptive philosophy.

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:7-9

One might ask why then do religious people CUT their children in circumcision; circumcision is a tradition of man and not of God. God does not wish for any child to be harmed in anyway.


"Children are not a commodity, without love they become so. Parents are the guardians of the soul, a precious gem born to shine. It is the guardian’s responsibility to ensure that gem is not reshaped, but allowed to BE its natural state. Children are the supreme joy of human life’ from Sacred Words


"MGM (Male Genital Mutilation) is a cruel, painful, mutilating, torturous, violative act without valid medical benefit that not only contravenes the UN Charter but also violates every principle of human kindness and medical ethics in every civilized country in the world. The very foundation of modern medicine is "First, do no harm." Yet, circumcision does just that.

The American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and equivalent organizations in Canada all state that routine circumcision is not medically justified.Growing up, we heard the same myths that all of you have heard - it’s just a snip, it doesn’t hurt. Lies! They have attached EKGs and EEGs to babies during circumcision. Their blood pressure rises, their brain waves go off the chart, they writhe in pain, and they go into shock. It hurts, trust me.

Circumcision removes healthy, erogenous tissue. It has been estimated by Canadian researchers that up to 80% of a male's erogenous tissue is amputated during a circumcision. We've also heard people say, “It’s cleaner.” If boys can learn to blow their nose, brush their teeth, and wipe their butts after using the toilet, they can learn to pull back their foreskin and wash. (Incidentally, the foreskin is normally attached to the Glans and may not separate until puberty. When this is the case, it should be left alone, not forcibly retracted)."

God's will is crushed in childhood due to the soul being adulterated; cutting in childhood mutates the genetics now proven by scientific research. This can then create all manner of skin diseases and allergies.


I was on my way to Israel when I purchased a copy of New Scientist to read on the plane. Inside the May 2006 issue was an article about the research to do with cuts of children and what it co-creates.

"It might be just a scratch, but for some children a minor cut could be the first step in the development of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, and even asthma and hay fever. These illnesses all involve chronic inflammation of the protective tissues that line the body's surfaces: the skin and the linings of the lungs, eyes, nasal passages and throat. Treatments have traditionally focused on dampening down the overactive immune response to allergens, but there is more and more evidence that the immune system is only half the story". New Scientist May 2006


The bible also tells us that the deeds of the fathers impact for 3-4 generations, the cut of the child, the mutation of the genetics does not only impact on the one child it also impacts on the genetics of future children.

In Egypt; 94% of Egyptian girls are circumcised. In an interview in March 2007, the Egyptian First Lady Suzanne Mubarak said "Polygamy and Female Circumcision Can Only Be Abolished Through Education, Not by Force."

This barbaric reality of harming children must stop as soon as possible. It is time for humanity to embrace that the child is sacred and if and when you harm the child you also harm the self. It is the law of cause and effect that you reap what you sow.

Children must be raised up and exalted to equality in accordance with the covenant from God given to humanity for the children of the world on the 9th of September 2007.


Humanity have inherited many belief systems that have a detrimental impact on the mind, body and soul and it is time that we take the steps to eradicate these belief systems that are not healthy for humanity or in harmony with the sacred creation of God. This is the will of God.


In the 21st century our scientists are catching up with ancient spiritual truth and it is wonderful that they are providing a bridge for people to cross into metaphysical reality. New Science, New Physics and New Biology are beginning to make a powerful impact on the world scene.

It is now confirmed that the environment and our perception of the environment, directly controls and determines the activity of our genes. Physical reality is the barometer of balance –v- imbalance. The detritus of 20th century psychology as a means to counteract human behaviour; is caused by the voice of the people, new science and new biology. It validates and calls for the lucidity of New Psychology to complement the impact of this new scientific paradigm; with the launch of a Spiritual Psychology that is rooted firmly in scientific principles with methods to empower and create a positive effect on humanity and its relationship with the planet. The foundations are the rock of ancient knowledge, with methodology that is 21st century and functionality enabling perfect health mind, body and soul.

Dr Bruce Lipton


This posted at 617 = The Rod of Correction

It is also post 60 = SAMECH = The Endless Cycle.

It certainly is an endless karmic cycle that humanity can choose to break NOW!

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