Friday 2 January 2009

God's Arm/y of Light

In March 2006 we had some powerful visionary experiences and afterwards we were inspired to share these visions in an article for the 29th March Solar eclipse. We included a passage from Joel about God's arm/y of light. It is a beautiful passage that many Christians misinterpret because they do not understand or appreciate the spiritual aspects of the wisdom. The body of Christ is not the Church, the body of Christ is the Golden Spiritual light body. The community of LIGHT.

The meaning of JOEL in Hebrew is 'GOD IS WILLING'

The article was called "A Time of Vision & Prophecy Fulfilled".

So what were the good tidings that were included in the article? Our explanation of the words from Prophet Joel in the scripture is in italics.

"It will be seen to fulfill the prophecy predicted in the bible that ‘all can prophesy and have dreams and visions whether they are prophets or not’. The energy of this Solar Eclipse will catapult us into the approach of the last days of the end times. I now come to the point of re-checking the ancient prophecy to remind you.

The Day of the Lord

‘Blow the trumpet of Zion, sound the alarm on my holy hill; the day of the Lord is coming. It is close at hand – a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness.

The state of planet earth and its people

The Dawn

Like dawn spreading across the mountains a large and mighty army comes.

The new dawn has arrived, out of the darkness the light has come, as predicted by Mother Mary and her Son after the Iraq war began.

Such as never was of old nor ever will be in the ages to come. Before them fire devours, behind them a flame ablazes.

The love, light and truth sweeping planet earth.

Before them the land is like the Garden of Eden, behind them a desert waste – nothing escapes them.

They can see through the illusion, they know they can create heaven on earth.

They have the appearances of horses.

Horses represent freedom

They gallop along like cavalry.

At the speed of light.

With the sound of Chariots, they leap over the mountaintops.

With the sound of light they leap over those that call themselves Holy (religious orthodox) men

Like a crackling fire consuming stubble, like a mighty army drawn up for battle.

This is an army of Love Ambassadors, Healers, Peacemakers and Social Visionaries, the Hebrew word for chariot is Merkava – the vehicle to ride. In Egyptian the light body is Merkaba.

The Light Body of the SOUL AND SPIRIT merged as ONE body.
Merkabah, The Chariot of Ascension.

At the sight of them nations are in anguish. Faces turn pale.

Many are afraid of spiritual people and that which they do not understand.

They charge like warriors.

Spiritual warriors.

They all march in line not swerving from their course.

Singing from the same hymn sheet, hand in hand, side by side, in the front line with God. They are pulling up the weeds that our father did not plant.

They do not jostle each other.

They do not push, shove, control or dominate.

Each marches straight ahead.

On their own path following their own truthful hearts of conscience

They plunge through defences.

Crossing the new frontiers

Without breaking ranks.

They do not separate, they are one family of God's light

The Lord thunders at the head of his army.

With the power of love, light and his strength and might.

His forces are beyond number and mighty are those who obey his command.

Those who align their will and respond to his call

I will pour forth of my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.’

Joel Chapter 2 (NIV translation, I do own a KJV version of the bible but the Lord led me to purchase the New International Version.)

Optional translation.

God's will is compelled by love into compassionate action to save. During the Solar Eclipse in March 2006, I was overwhelmed by the power of God and was compelled to go to Israel. I received a full briefing for the first mission to the Middle East and was sent on the Order of Melchizedek, the High Priest of God. Orthodox Christians may wonder why I have not shared all of this information with them in the past. The reason is that the Lord asked me not to let the left arm know what the right arm was doing, very few people were told the exact brief I had received. The Lord did not wish for anything or anyone to stand in our way because he knows how powerful thoughts and intentions can be. In hindsight, this December 08, clarity was given that this was part of my time in the desert; work in and with the Middle East and the global issues pertaining to the same.

The original meaning of the word 'Obey' in biblical Hebrew means 'To listen and do'.

Love with honour

Listening and doing the will of God.

The full article distributed around the world prior to the March 2006 Solar Eclipse is available on request.

Maybe now people can come to know that God does have an army of light that do not require any tools of war. The light of God is powerful beyond measure. He works in mysterious ways to ensure that the light consumes the darkness. The light triggers the darkness and the darkness triggers the light, until there is no more darkness left. When we have purified our souls we are then ready to merge with the Holy Spirit. This was the rapture of the 'Bride of Christ' initiation experienced here in early 2004. I was not required to do any merkaba meditations, methods or prayers, I did not know the day or the hour that he would come and I had no expectation or knowledge of what the 'Bride of Christ' was at that time. I will share more about the 'Bride of Christ' experience in a different post.

Onwards and upwards

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