Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Power of Attorney

In 1999, I discovered the hard way what a 'Power of Attorney' really means. When you sign a power of attorney you give away all of your human rights and the person that holds this legal document can spend your money as they see fit and without your approval.

I signed one of these documents so that an accountant could tie-up my affairs while I was abroad. Fortunately, very little was lost and a tremendous gnosis was gained. This experience was priceless and definitely meant to be; the silver lining in the dark cloud ensured that I did not do it again. When my mother died in 2005, a family accountant wished for my brother and I to sign a power of attorney. Had I not had the first experience we would have signed this legal document without realising how financially damaging it could be. Based upon the evidence of my past experience, my brother and I decided not to sign it and I took over the administration of the probate. In hindsight, there is no doubt that my brother and I made the right choice. The benefit of the first experience of a 'Power of Attorney' was worth its weight in gold and the silver lining of that dark cloud is relevant to you now in more ways than one. The lining of that cloud wasn't silver it was gold!

It is time for the people of the world to come to know that when you vote for a political party, you have not signed a power of attorney that gives away your human rights. Governments are employed and paid for by the people; they are meant to represent the views and the hearts of the people as your elected representatives.


Yesterday, on the news the Prime Minister of the UK announced that he is going to give another billion pounds to the Palestinian state. This is our response to our local Member of Parliament.

Pray tell me why is Gordon Brown giving another billion pounds to the Palestinians when they will only use it for the same purpose that they have used it for during the last 30 years? Palestine have been given billions and billions of money by the West and yet they did not spend this money on building their state. Corrupt leaders stole the money and the rest was spent on violence against Israel.

Now our Prime Minister plans to pour more tax payers money down the drain without the approval of the British people. We did not elect Gordon Brown and nor did we tell him he could spend our money as he sees fit. We did not give him a power of attorney!

Giving the corrupt Palestinian leaders money does no good and keeps the Palestinians in bondage. Let the oil rich Arab states give them money, let the rich Arab states give the Palestinians a home and a good living.

If the British people wish to help the Palestinians then hire contractors to build the state. Send in a UN peace keeping force to stop the Hamas violence against the Palestinians both Christian and Muslim. Did you know that Hamas murder Palestinians if they play music at their wedding? (You can watch the video here) http://www.faithfreedom.org/

Why are the British government supporting corrupt regimes that breed more terrorists and suicide bombers?

Palestinian girl: Hamas responsible for war

Enough is enough when our own children of all goodness cannot get jobs and are homeless. There is extreme poverty in the UK and it is time to get our own house in order before we give a helping hand to others.

You cannot throw money at a problem and hope it will be resolved.

Those that make peace with themselves, make peace with God and the rest of creation.

God said “Those that do not give others the right to exist, do not have the right to exist either.”

Yet, Brown is giving an extra billion pounds to a terrorist state, time for the British government to take responsibility for its own co-creation and people.


Is it heartless? Not when you can feel the pain and tears of the children of the world that are having their lives destroyed by these regimes. Not when you are aware of the bigger picture and the greater realities and that life is like a flower that re-seeds itself; its called recreation. Not when you can find the gold lining to every dark cloud.

This was a message from God received on the 9th March 2006.


The Bush can catch alight and burn the dross away, purification of the soul being burnt to the ground.

God does not step in to save the Bush because the purification of one soul saves millions of more souls from harm.

A bush that is burnt to the ground returns to ashes and a new tree can grow in its place.

There is always a higher perspective.

May love, light and life prevail.

Children are not a commodity without love they become so.


We are being asked to ask you to find the moral in every story that you experience.

Every life story and experience provides you have a moral when you learn to recognise what life experience is trying to show you, you can then build a moral compass upon your heart of conscience.

The moral of this story is do not give your human rights away to anyone, not to religions, governments are anyone else.

Your soul belongs to you and to God.

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