Wednesday 22 September 2010

Buenos Aires Message

Earlier today, after the second post was made on Michael's blog, I had to go and get some food to feed my son, I have lost my appetite and that often happens with bereavement. However, sons must be fed.

At the end of the shop Michael said 'Someone will come from Buenos Aires to help you'. Michael loved shopping. Then there was the pigeon mentioned in the previous post. 'Peace, now I am at peace'. After contact details were given to the police, he's now at peace.  After that post was made he said 'I love you darling' and I responded 'I love you too'. 

My genetic Father, used to sing 'Don't cry for me Argentina' to his daughter when she very young, and while I was listening to it again. Michael said "Now their hearts are opening. They understand why we had to stay apart'. 'Now their hearts will heal'. 

When Michael first came into this life, Abba called him CHEKHOV,  so I read about Anton Chekhov. Chekhov and his wife Olgar did not live together. Abba was preparing me in advance. Chekhov was an eminent Russian playright,  and he wrote a story called 'Lady with the Dog'. No coincidence then that my son was born in the Chinese Year of the Dog. I shared the message with Michael at the time it was received.

Michael once wrote these words on an international forum.He certainly 
had a way with words. If the poor had not been his passion and his divine 
purpose. I feel sure he would have been a well known author.

 “When I read the well-chosen words which Lotus brings to us, . . . and when I discern the Care and the Caring with which those words are submitted, . . . I stand in awe of ONE (1) Great Fact : Although she may or may not be the “Last” or the “Only” Living SURREALIST, . . . Lotus is most assuredly the ONLY Surrealist with whom I have had the honour of contemporary communication in real time.

“ Perhaps there are other Surrealists; . . . but I have NEVER had the LIVING Acquaintance of any others, . . . although I know the MANIFESTOES of those who lived long before my time.  Lotus has in common with those other / earlier Surrealists an awareness and an appreciation of what her Surrealist predecessors called the Alchemy of the Word.”  Michael M. Mauldin.

Thank you Michael.

May the will of God be done.


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