Saturday 18 September 2010

Prince Michael

Oh Prince Michael, to those that understood the word respect you certainly commanded it. Master of your art and craft. There was nothing about you that was daft, even when you fell down a shaft you still knew why you were doing it. Its a good job now that you do not require your kit or the pit. Soldiers of love arise!

Angel of the LORD sent to be at my side, woe betide anyone that chastises you for doing it. A true witness indeed to all that evolved and was solved. There were times when you were just like a spaniel with those great big brown eyes of devotion.  Chocolate brown and white or would you prefer black and white?

Do you remember the day I woke up screaming 'They're not listening' seeing a vision of wild fires? You held me like a baby in your powerful arms, gently stroking and calming every nerve. Ssh, ssh, its Ok, its Ok.

St Augustine in the Church grounds, photographs by the pond in front of that huge cross. That was a treasured day. Strawberries, cheesecake and two dozen red roses felt very cozy.

Somebody is going to have to pay for this dear Michael, angel of God. I wonder how they all feel now, does your name ring in their ears? All those people that we asked to help you, they all turned a deaf ear. Those that call themselves Christians, Spiritual and Americans, not one of them would help you. Are they sorry now?

Oh Michael, a mighty Captain you were, a real SIR!

I can just imagine students saying to you, PLEASE SIR! I wonder where all your students are now. I feel sure that you will be paying them all a splendid visit to check up on them. What joy that will bring.

The earbuds will always remind me of you and how you liked to shop, I still have the crocs the best bargain of the stay. Have your tay Michael, have your tay, you will have your say and you will always be a hero in the eyes of the wise and good.



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