Sunday 12 September 2010

This calls for WISDOM

The bible prophecies predicted this time would come and it states that when the dark energies rise it is a call for WISDOM. As Abba said 'The Die is Cast'. Its time for everyone who cares about freedom and Spiritual Independence to be dauntless in the face of adversity. To have courage beyond measure and defend your cultures from cultural genocide that Abba warned us all about in December 2007. He told you that the perpetrators would come from the bowels of humanity.

So what does Wisdom have to say about the current events of the book burning at ground zero on 9/11? 

What is more important the life of a child or a book? What is more sacred? Human life that God bestows or a book that can be burned leaving millions more? 

Does God care more about a child than a book? Of course he does. God cares about his sacred union with YOU....his relationship with you is supreme when people allow it to be.

If you had the choice of saving a child or saving a book? What would you choose? You all know that you would save the human life of the child. 

In the Essene Book of Peace Book 4, Teachings of the Elect. His Son told you that 'Nature is the holy scroll". Will some be insulted by the book burning? Of course they will, all those that have not healed the self will feel insulted. As we told others if you feel insulted then best you heal the root causes of the core issues. The same with feeling offended. The Children of the Light do not take anything personally on the spiritual path home to God. 

David Yeagley wrote another excellent article about how Pastor Jones as exposed the world and where it is in its state of being. [1]

As we know Abba said 'Healing is the get out jail card. Healing is the path of salvation and love is the way". 

Wisdom calls for Righteous Love demonstrated through Zealous Compassionate Action to defend the innocent and gentle hearted from the predators that wish to oppress you with their religion, sharia law, and ideology. 

There is no time like the present to rise with healing in your wings. As the Christ told you, be as gentle as doves and as wise as serpents. What did Moses hold in his hand? A staff that turned into a cobra to make sure that the oppressor was defeated. What did Abba call Obama? a double agent and the Pharoah, the man that attacked Pakistan four days into his presidency. Does that sound like a man of peace to you? 

I wonder how Obama can sleep at night knowing what he has co-created for the children of the USA. How can Obama's children have the audacity to wear the ban the bomb tee-shirt when their own Father is a man of jihad. Let Pakistan and India sort it out between themselves. It is their region of the world and they know it better than others. It is their history and inheritance too. 

As we told a member of parliament. 

Bring our troops home they are required here. 


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