Thursday 30 September 2010

Come ROSES Come

It is time to call the ROSES to come forth, it is time dear ones, to gather, to come together, to work together and be one in one place. The divine plan is underway, not long now. There is a lot of work to do but we will do it with joy in our hearts. We cannot do it all for you, but we will do it for you, for the glory of God. We will do it all for love, AHAVA.

The pink rose in bud as been given and placed in the heart of man. It is for GRACE and gentle love.

I view that as the grace of God, Abba being gentle with you because he loves the gentle and tender hearted, just like his blessed ones do. It is also to do with being gentle enough to accept God's will gracefully, with mercy and love for humanity. [1] Pink was especially chosen because it was the colour that I was asked to wear on the first mission to Israel on the 13th of May 2006. Some of you may also remember the pink dolphin that arrived in the lake of the USA.

On the post made on the 13th of December, 2009,  it also mentions the blue rose given to me by the holy mother. [2] That post also mentions Michael, and the month of September, so I understand the feelings of grief and the importance of it flowing through me more fully now.

Take nothing for granted dear ones, do it all for love and justice will be done. When people are strong you think they will live to be with us, that is not necessarily true, it takes a lot more than strength, it takes the will of God.

Its also linked in with the creation fresco from Michelangelo featured on this blog in August. Sometimes we have to be taken away from those we love in the earthly realm because it is all part of a much bigger plan that is beyond the self or another. It truly is ERGON putting humanity before the self. A noble cause in the holiness of God's love and sacred union with us. Our inheritance and spiritual heritage that nobody will be allowed to put asunder.

Come ROSES Come, pass the ROSE around.



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