Tuesday 7 September 2010

White Buffalo Calf Woman

As I write this I can feel the heat of the LORD.

Following on from the post about the 'Return to Purity - White Animals'. It is appropriate to now make a post on this blog about White Buffalo Calf Woman.

When I was found in the Galilee of the Gentiles in the early 90's.  I was dressed in white as compelled to do. There were white doves on my table and the table was covered in white lace tablecloths as well. There were also white lilies on the table.

The LORD compelled me to have the graphic of the Ace of Cups and the words said 'Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will open'. When people saw me on the exhibition circuit for the first time they would give me strange looks that I did not understand at that time. It was in those early years of when the LORD began to reveal me to the spiritual people and healers.

It was also revealed to me that I was White Dove. I then understood why the white doves were so important to the stall because this is one of the ways that people would recognize me. At that time soul/higher self was also shown to me, I saw her standing before me and she was introduced to me by a Native American guide as White Dove, she was wearing soft white leather.  It was also confirmed to me by others about who I was, she was coy and humble at the revelation without even understanding the full implications.

Many thousands of people saw her, worked with her, recognized her and felt her in their hearts. I remember one day when we were making an appearance in Brighton. A lady and her son came and she said "I knew who I had to come to see because you appeared to me in dream state last night. You were wearing the same outfit." Many times people were also given her name.

It wasn't long before the LORD manifested a miracle by manifesting a real American Tomahawk and that is a huge story in itself, because there were many witnesses to its unfoldment.

However, today we are to share the Native American prophecy and how it correlates with the messages that we have received from Abba in recent years.

Abba gave the following messages:

On the 3rd of September 2009, "You will hold court in a Tipi". [1]
On the 19th of September 2009, Abba said 'You Must Release the White Dove' and there were visions on the Tipi received that day. [2]

God said 'White Dove will hold court in a Tipi." [3]

The previous post about the Native American prophecy mentions the year 1994. That is when she was found in the Galilee of the Gentiles amongst the spiritual elders, spiritual people and children of the light. 

The Legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman 

For Christians you might like to consider why Prophet Malachi spoke about the Calves leaving their stalls. She certainly did leave her stall at the Mind, Body and Soul Exhibitions when she was told 'This will be your swan song". In other words he was telling her that would be the very last time we would book a stall/stand. Our job was done we had fulfilled the prophecy in more ways than one. Now we await for the next phase of the divine plan to be fulfilled and the remainder of the prophecy, to do with his court being held in a Tipi in his holy city of enlightenment.


The 21st century was born in wisdom.

Prophecy of the Lakota

May the will of God be done.

1. http://academysounds.blogspot.com/2009/09/abba-said-you-must-release-white-dove.html
2. http://academysounds.blogspot.com/2009/09/1111-crop-circle.html
3. http://academysounds.blogspot.com/2009/01/return-of-ancestors.html

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