Sunday 23 May 2010

Children of Disfavor

In the New Testament chapter 4 of Galatians it talks about the children of disfavor who are descendents of Hagar who were not born free or born again from the Spirit. Hagar is symbolic of a woman that did not break the never ending cycles and as such she remained in bondage otherwise called captivity. This text is from the Aramaic translation by George Lamsa. 

"The children of the one in disfavor are more numerous than the children of the one who is favored. Now, we my brethen, are the children of promise, as we Isaac. But as then, he was born after the flesh persecuted him who was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. Nevertheless, what does the scripture say? Cast out the bondmaid and her son; for the son of the maidservant shall not inherit with the son of the free woman. So then, my brethen, we are not children of the maidservant but children of the free woman."

Why are they children of disfavor? They have not been born of the Spirit and Islam does not understand being born again of the Spirit. However, neither do Christians understand being born again of the Spirit, it is not attained by baptism. Being born of the Spirit is the second birth that is part of the ascension process. It was the keys to this knowledge that the Christ told the Jewish priests they had thrown away. 

There are a few posts on this blog about being born of the Spirit. However, only those that have truly experienced it understand it. 

Is a child born free if it is born into a religion that does not bring freedom? No. Did your parents tell you that you were born free with the free will to choose your spiritual path in life? Or were you born into an inherited belief system that was imposed upon you? If you were born into a family that imposed their beliefs upon you then you chose it pre-destination. You chose it because in a past life you have imposed your beliefs upon others and chained their souls. Nobody can chain a soul to a religion or relationship of any kind without detriment.  

Do you know how to break free from the never ending cycles that you have co-created for yourselves?  One is not born of the Spirit until the wheel of karma is broken, then you leave what is known as samsara/captivity of the earthly realm and its realities to be born again of the Spirit. 

As God said in 2006, 'Let my people go'. 

I am asked to add that those that sell their souls or betray their own souls are also included in the above. When a person betrays their own soul they also betray God and the book of Exodus is correct the deeds of the parents impact on the next 3-4 generations in more ways than one. 

Those that honor themselves, their souls, their freedom and their spiritual path also honor God and his creation. 

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