Tuesday 11 May 2010

UK trumps the USA

We now have two political parties in the front seat together. Did the UK trump the USA? Will the land of Joseph lead the way that goes beyond duality?

Let's see if divine justice can be done in this land to ensure that our culture, heritage and green pastures can be retained and maintained. The true Spiritual law of God is about conservation of all that is good. Let the less good fall by the wayside. Let the LIGHT of God be triumphant and victorious.

England as launched many great STARS in both politics and music.

May this not only be a time of political change and views. Let it be a time of divine justice and the stairway to heaven that is indicated by the month of MAY.

Let it be a time for everyone to look UP instead of DOWN when the blossom falls from the trees.

The righteous one did find her way to heaven and may this impact on the nation on which she stands in the land of Joseph.

May the will of God be done

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