Sunday 16 May 2010

There is no shadow

So many people have bought into so many concepts and belief systems that can disempower them. Last night I told a lady that there is no shadow. Now let us look at the bible and the word 'shadow'.

In Job 34, Job communicates with his friend ELIHU and ELIHU means 'HE IS MY GOD". [1]

"Hear my words you wise men, listen to me, you men of learning" Job 34:2

"There is no dark place, no deep shadow where evildoers can hide" Job 34:22

So cast no shadow upon your friends.

Let them seek within for there is no shadow within themselves.

Root causes of core issues are not shadows, memory is energetic and it stays with them when the sun goes down until they are ready to heal the the memories mind, body and soul. There is a lot more to every person than the sun, the cosmos is huge and when the people truly know themselves they also come to know the cosmos.

Consciousness is like a camera with many lenses, if the lenses are dusty with perceptions of reality then one cannot see different realities clearly. Hence, why it is important to heal and remove the root causes of any core issues. This is another reason why the Christ told the priests to clean the inside of their cups and plates. The cups are symbolic of what is known in Japanese energy therapies as the 'divine shrine', in the bible the cup is the golden bowl.

The plate can also be understood as the plate of consciousness like the plates in a victorian camera.  Examine clearly what you are allowing others to put upon your plate of consciousness.

You are the camera, you are the observer and the cameraman that runs the film. Do you choose to film the Masters of all realities or do you choose to film shadows and those that promote them?

In physics,  'The Oberver Effect' is how something changes due to observation. Does something exist before its measured? Many secular thinkers do not think so. However, radiation existed before it was measured and so there are many waves that people cannot see. So what do you see? Can you see clearly? Do you have conscious vision that is beyond duality? Can you find the silver lining in every dark cloud? What do you observe and how do you observe it? Can you become an observer of your emotions to enable you to heal the root causes of the core issues? Then you can change it because you are measuring it with your very own instrument. You are the instrument to observe the cosmos when you observe the self.

The Christ spoke about the measure that you give will be the measure that you receive and it is true to say that the more that you heal the selves the more you discover what your divine purpose is. The measure is also to do with the spiritual law of cause and effect.

The earliest mention in the bible about the golden bowl is in the OT. It also mentions the wheel being broken. In my humble view and divine experience the wheel in this context is talking about the wheel of karma that is broken when you have broken the never ending cycles with the healing process. Also remember that when you break the cycles and your own wheel of karma this also then impacts on your children and their children.

"Before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well". Ecclesiastes 12:6

"If one can achieve peace of mind then enlightenment springs from the well of peace." from Sacred Words 


In English gematria the word ELIHU is 330 and it is the same value as 'Heaven', 'December 2012', 'Shine', 'Jewel', 'Waves', 'LAW', 'Parable', 'Move", 'Higher', 'Awaken', 'New Age', 'Ganesha'.

Ganesha is the overcomer of obstacles and is symbolic of the Elephant. The Elephant is also known as the most wise of the animals and he has right of way in Africa. He comes after you have broken the wheel of karma and as such he removes the obstacles that others try to put in your way.[2]

The Book of Revelation talks a lot about the overcoming and the overcomer; no surprise then that the bible includes spiritual philosophy from India and Japan about the spiritual law. The Japanese healing therapies claim that they can trace their lineage back 5,000 years at the very least.

There and Then - Cast No Shadow - Oasis


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