Wednesday 5 May 2010

The Spoils

Prophet Isaiah spoke about the spoils that the righteous servant of the LORD would share with others. In Isaiah 33, it states that he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness. He also mentions how the envoys of peace cry because they will come to know that their methods do not bring peace to the world. He then goes on to talk about the chief officer Obama and it provides a timeline for the building of new Jerusalem. In this prophecy it is after the building of new Jerusalem that all of the spoils are shared. 

In Isaiah 53 it mentions the spoils again and how the servant of the LORD bears the iniquities of others and will share the spoils with the strong. So what are the spoils?

You may know a saying ‘You’ve been in the wars’ parents and doctors have been known to use this term. It is often said to children if they have had an accident or been hurt in some way. Today, doctors have been known to use the term ‘You have three degrees in life experience’. When doctors spoke of this life experience they were talking about the life conditions of suffering that have been experienced and the wisdom gained from it.

On another level it also refers to the divine experience gained on the way home to the Kingdom of God. The ascension process of spiritual alchemy mentioned by prophet Isaiah and prophet Malachi. Hence, why the prophets spoke of the consuming fire. Only those that can stand in the all consuming fire of God reach the final destination of the pure land of paradise. The fire of God is about transmutation and transmigration of the soul from one state of being to another.

Carrying the iniquities of others can be a heavy burden to carry to transmute it on a karmic level in group consciousness. Only strong souls that are truly with God in complete trust have the willingness to experience it to help humanity. Only strong souls can carry the weight of humanities transgressions of the spiritual law, only strong souls have the willingness to seek within and heal themselves. Only those that have broken their own wheel of karma are strong enough to carry and transmute the actions of others. 

In Luke chapter 11, the spoils are mentioned again and it mentions how some people attack and overpower the holy ones to take what is theirs. Their intention is to take away from a holy one without an energy exchange or taking part in the process of the souls evolution, growth and development. In other words they want it all without putting in the effort to earn the blessing of the holy ones. 

They also seek to disempower the empowered and this must end, humanity must come to understand that you cannot break a holy one of God, you cannot remove their divine experiences of God or their mystical heritage. 

The less good actions of those that attack and overpower in this context are done because man cannot bear to not know what the holy ones know. This is not only done by men but women too. The root cause of their attack is a lack of love because attack can be a call for love. It can also be to do with jealousy because those that have not become divine love on the earth plane can feel jealous of those that have. It is also about power and control because those that sit in the darkness of their own being; seek to control others and that is known as a person with an altered ego. An altered ego is due to experiences in childhood that has not been healed. When the will of a child is crushed the power of God within them becomes altered and that is what leads the children astray. In truth they then have no true power of their own which is why they seek to take it from others. 

The holy ones do the opposite to those that attack them because they are divine love and mercy. The holy ones can see the child within the people that have not healed themselves. Spiritual alchemy/spiritual psychology methods can be an effective way of shaming the accusers of the holy ones with a reality check. That is why the Christ shamed those that were stoning the women. he was showing them their transgression of the spiritual law. 

When we are dealing with the aggression of others we deal with it legally, scientifically and passively. As we know scientifically, anger is the biggest predictor of heart disease and humanity is diseased by its own aggression towards others. If only the people realized that the one they harm the most is the self with their anger. The heart is for giving but if humanity does not choose to forgive then it cannot heal either. When humanity refuse to forgive then they are also refusing to heal the self, if they do not heal the self then they can never experience the Kingdom of God and the paradise of God's promise. 

As the Christ said ‘He who is not with me is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters’. Modern day in healing we use the word ‘scattered energies’. In other words the person that takes what is not given to them willingly; suffers the consequences for their actions. They remain scattered in their energies because they did not gain the spoils for themselves they stole them from someone else. It can be the same with wisdom, if a person hasn’t taken the spiritual journey themselves they stumble at every hurdle and initiation on the way home to God. Only those that have taken the spiritual path home to God truly understand passing the tests of the soul with flying colours. 

Sometimes it does no good for people to know the higher truths until they are ready to receive them. When a person comes and asks for a lantern of light then they are ready to receive it. 

The other day God said to me ‘Everyone gains from your work except you’. In other words others gain from this life experience, healing, wisdom and actions yet what do people give in return?

A spiritual elder is like a war veteran they have been through many life conditions to become who they have become. This is why the mystics of the Dead Sea Scrolls stated that people that were in darkness must be asked to pay for their help. In other words they must give an exchange for being helped because the holy ones are truly selfless. Those that are not selfless only truly value what they pay for. Dr Usui of Reiki fame understood this as well due to his own experiences of working with humanity. This Sensei discovered that what he gave for free was not valued. So is it time for humanity to change its value system? 

Can humanity value the spiritual elders who bring life to humanity instead of death, can humanity provide for them? Can humanity value healing more than they value their car or home? Can humanity value truth instead of propaganda and conspiracy? Can humanity value the good instead of the less good? Can humanity value the animals and all of God's creation? Can humanity value the rainbow warriors of hope and deliverance? It really is time for change because political leaders and the corporations do not have the solutions for the ills of humanity and the planet. 

When Christ was told he was blessed for being birthed and nurtured by the mother. He responded ‘Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it”. The original Hebrew word for obey actually means to listen and do. In other words to follow instructions received and it is only the holy ones that truly do this and as such they are truly blessed by God. 

When the bible talks about the strong in this context,  it is referring to strong souls, spiritual people who are the Sons of Light mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Those that have had the strength and courage to seek within, to heal and to do their utmost to help humanity and do the will of God. They are his Saints of the highest order. 

Life experience is the sacred text of knowledge 
and it is what we have come to share.

The Tree of Life

Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God.

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