Sunday, 16 May 2010

The Priorities

Politicians forget that there are already millions of educated people who cannot find jobs in the degrees in which they were trained. [1] They also forget that not every child is academic. However, every child can connect with nature, they can and are also able to be connect with God in nature. 

In 2004, I witnessed a project in the EU that must have cost the European tax payer at least a million EURO, it stood empty,  it failed because the children had no interest in becoming farmers. The huge, amazing facility stood empty with its high tech rooms, marble floors, beautiful kitchens and landscapes. This wonderful purpose built building would have made the most amazing ECO and Complimentary Medicine College. However, it was given away for a peppercorn rent for whomever would take it on within the timeline dictated, as far as I am aware it was taken over by a local food manufacturer. 

At the same time Spain as one of the highest rates of unemployment. Yet, they could not engage the interest of the children to learn how to herd, keep goats and make cheese. Whoever managed to get this huge amount of money for the building project from the EU obviously had not done their research with the children and students themselves. This kind of financial waste is going on all over the EU and the tax payer does not have the money to burn or to fund local business with peppercorn rents. 

In recent decades governments have downgraded nature, farming and the real world for technology and academic results.  At the same time there isn't enough jobs for the children that qualify in those technologies that universities have invested in. 

Governments and their ideals have taken people away from the land and in so doing children now do not know how to create their own food. All that most children know is fast food chains; few can cook because few witness their own mothers cook a home cooked meal. How sad it is that humanity have moved so far from nature and the reality of it. 

If we're going to talk about education then it is essential now; that we teach people how to grow their own food and how to build self-sustainable ecological homes. 


1. Food and water 
2. Ecological and self-sustainable home
3. Free energy 

When governments know how to provide that without costing the tax payer a penny then we can listen to what they have to say. Until that day comes, let us trust in God to show us the way, not the politicians. 

As God said "You must be living ecologically and self-sustainable by 2012". 

May the will of God be done 

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