Saturday 22 May 2010

Digital Crop Circle

This crop circle was found on the 22nd May 2010 and those that have been following this blog know that the 22nd of May is the anniversary of the energies moving into Master number 22 of the divine feminine. It was the day that we were asked to bless the waters and carry out harmonic epiphany. 

As soon as I saw the crop circle it felt digital and like CDR's, 12 tracks on an album.  It reminded me that we had been talking about the health of dance and music earlier today. It also looks like a circuit board and I am being given the words 'Computer Logic' as I write this. There are 12 sections to the crop circle in the sphere and it does feel like the world wide market is being sliced into 12 parts. In numerology 12 is also the number of the victim so don't be a victim to computer logic.  

The crop circle does appear to have a basket weave rim and in ancient times people put their offerings in their baskets when they went to market to sell their wares. There are three tram lines going through the circle and again this is a three year of innovation and creative solutions. As we know the whole world is becoming computerized. However, that isn't always a good thing, especially if people allow technology to run their lives instead of the other way around. Its also not good for children to live in a constant virtual reality that takes them away from the real world, nature, fresh air and sunshine. 

Am I happy about this crop circle? It feels like a warning.....

Photograph copyright of Lucy Pringle. Courtesy of Crop Circle Connector. [1]

There are 15 elements to the crop circle and 15 is the number of gifts. 12 is also the 12th month and as we know the 12th month is the time of Christmas. It looks like the manufacturer's are going all out to make sure that people spend as much money as possible on digital media at the end of the year. It also feels like a control mechanism for the world wide net.  My advice; be cautious about what you purchase this year. Investigate all new purchases thoroughly before purchase and or downloading. 


Eliakim said...

Daily Mail features crop circle and its maths formula

Eliakim said...

Daily Mail state "it is a unique formation incorporating both music and mathematics and is similar in importance to the famous 2008 Barbury Castle Pi event."