Friday 21 May 2010

St Helen's Feast Day - 21st May

Today, the Lord led me to Saint Helena otherwise known as Saint Helen.. Saint Helen is known as the Empress and she is the patron saint of the oldest recorded roman town in England.

The Town's coat of arms include what is called the True Cross and three crowned nails in her honour. Colchester Town Hall has a Victorian statue of the saint on top of its 50 metre tower.[1] There is a legend that she was born in this town and that she was a Princess born of an English King. She was the mother of Constantine and he stayed faithful and loyal to her. It is written that she died in 330 and this is a 3 year year. 

She is also the patron of archeologists, converts, difficult marriages, divorced people, new discoveries, empresses, Helena, the capital of Montana. There is also a cathedral named after her in Montana. In the Sinai we find her again. Saint Helen and the Holy Monastery of Sinai. [2]

Her feast day is celebrated today the 21st of May. "Feast of the Holy Great Sovereigns Constantine and Helen, Equal to the Apostles."[1]

Remember this you can always count upon the Saints to come marching in when the time is required. Saint Helen is helping many people find new purpose in relationships, giving them courage to take new journeys and let go of the past. The right people are being brought together for all the right reasons and God blesses those that listen and do his will. The heart of God is here and it is really important that you trust God at this time and what he is showing you all. Remember nobody can chain a soul without detriment. You were born free. 

There is much for humanity to learn about relationships and they will go through a huge change during the next 200 years, between now and 2222. There is such an important difference between when God chooses a relationship for you compared with when you choose one for yourself. So many people go into relationships due to want, need or desire and this will change as more and more people heal themselves of their never ending karmic cycles. 

The more that people heal their inner child and unmet wants, needs and desires, the more they are able to move their energy into their true hearts of conscience, integrity and essentials. 

The more that the children are not led into materialism, status, money and power for its own sake, the more children will recognize the sacred energy given to them by God. 

May the will of God be done.....

Blessings in abundance and love beyond measure 


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