Tuesday 11 May 2010

The Enlightened - Zennists

Following on from the last post on this blog and this quote.

"Those that are enlightened are also called 'Zennists' and that is an interesting play on words with Zionists."

Let us now look at the word Zennists.

A Zennist is someone who continues to trust despite constant criticism, persecution or the negativity of others that comes from man's own weakness because he has fallen into his self created loop hole in the law. Those that are beyond duality can see the silver lining in every dark cloud. They can see the perfection of the Spiritual Law and the Masters have gained the crown of incorruptibility. In other words nothing in the earthly realm can take them off track because they are knowers due to their divine experiences. Prophet Joel spoke about the spiritual who in enlightened in some detail and mentioned what they do and how they do it.

If you think about it Jewish people have certainly passed many tests with flying colours. They remain regardless of the criticism, persecution and the negativity of others due to man's weakness and lack of understanding of their divine purpose for being as the nation of Israel.

Are they all enlightened? Certainly not. However, I do feel that to be born an Israeli indicates a high state of soul evolution due to the sheer amount of hardship and difficulty that they face in a world of man's adversity and negativity that seems to stack the cards against them every time. I am not just talking about Jewish children but all children from every denomination that is born on that land that is the solar plexus of the planet.

Are there enlightened spiritual people in Israel? There certainly is, in the same way that there is in every other nation. Does enlightenment ensure your salvation? It definitely does and enlightenment can be found in the bible.

Do church leaders, imans and rabbi's share the way to enlightenment? I haven't met any, in fact the rabbi's are so attached to their belief systems they would not even meet with me when asked. There are many aspects of mystical Judaism that they do not truly understand and that is because many are holding on to old beliefs instead of allowing themselves to come to know what God would like to show them and share with them.

In fact, in my view there is no difference between a ZENNIST and a GNOSTIC they both rely upon direct revelation,  inner transformation and self development. This is why the gnostics were persecuted by the orthodox Church and its leaders; they simply did not believe that those that have now been labeled gnostics received revelation everyday.

Gnosis is KNOWING due to experience. And ZENNISTS certainly know the path to enlightenment.

Its fascinating to me that REIKI is a pathway to enlightenment and REIKI arrived in Israel during the 1980's. Reiki then takes us back to its roots in Buddhism that can be traced back at least 5,000 years.

Prophet Ezekiel was told to speak of the breath and the NT talks about the laying on of hands and the importance of the breath as well. Few religionists know that the laying on of hands combined with the breath is used in Reiki attunements when people take part in a Reiki healing training course.

What fun the mystical journey of healing is when you truly trust God, your own soul and its divine purpose.

As God said 'Creation evolves and evolution creates. It is not a one way street'. 

The wonderful aspect of healing is that people learn to let go of their expectations, they learn to trust. They let go of their attachments, preconceived ideas and they heal their wants, needs and desires. Then they are enabled to teach their souls to fly divine and the holy spirit becomes their navigator.

Orthodox Christians shout that enlightenment isn't in the bible. We respond best you read your bibles because enlightenment is definitely found there if you have the eyes to see it, the ears to hear it and the heart to embrace.

In Jewish gematria the word 'ZENNIST' is the same value as 'Sixth Dimension', 'Crystals' and 'The Sixth Night'.

Many people claim they are enlightened. However, when they are brought under the spotlight very few are. This is certainly an enlightening time for everyone of all spiritual traditions. Come on stand strong together.

In English gematria the word ZENNIST is the same value as 'Aquarius', 'Solar Flare', 'Forgiveness', 'Mountain', 'Quantum'. 'Holy Grail', 'Blessed is He', 'Movement',  'Atonement' and last but not least 'Breathe of Life'. 

This is the age of Aquarius and humanity are experiencing many solar flares. Without forgiveness people do not move very far on the spiritual journey home to God. The heart is for giving and without true forgiveness the heart of true love stays closed.


God bless it, may the will of God be done.

Glory be to God

1. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=zennist
2. http://www.gematrix.org

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