Monday 24 May 2010

Science and Islam

It was brought to my notice that young, vulnerable souls are believing what Islam tells them about what they call their science. Islam are leading the youth of the West astray by misleading them about the origins of many scientific discoveries. This is happening in the present and the present impacts on the future. Do you choose to change the present by making sure the truth is shared with the world?  History repeats itself until humanity break the never ending cycles and stand up to injustice wherever it is found. Injustice does not go away by people putting their heads in the sand and ignoring what humanity face. Ascension doesn't come to be until people are willing to take their light into the darkness to transform it. Its an alchemical process of purification because as God said 'It is not a one way street' and God asks that everyone take responsibility for their thoughts, words and deeds. 

Last week Islam launched 'Sultans of Science' hence this issue will become a bigger one as the days go by. We can provide you with some good articles written by scholars to debunk the claims of Islam.

Muslims Claim of Accomplishment

Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution

How Greek Science passed to the Arabs is available on line. 

"O'Leary writes a fascinating history of a critically important phase in mesopotamian history. After all, it was the Arabs who brought with them into Spain the Arabic versions of the Greek works, from which translations were made into Latin and spread throughout Europe, which was then in its dark age. It is this Greek body of knowledge that brought Europe out of its dark age and into the renaisance - the rebirth or revival." 

Examining Claims for Scientific Miracles in the Qur'an

Does the Qur'an speak about Atoms

Subatomic Particles Revealed in the Qur’an? 

In addition to Islam using science they also use money to entice these young ones to betray their own souls. A young local man that I know was offered money, friends and a girl friend if he became a Muslim. Fortunately, he thought it all sounded to good to be true and did not join. Then God led him to me for training in healing. Vulnerable, innocent souls are easily led and that is why I feel it is so important that the truth is known,  that brings us to John J. O'Neill the author of Holy Warriors: Islam and the Demise of Classical Civilization. This book provides a completely different picture about the dark ages and the economic blockade that the Arabs systematically enforced. Does it remind you of today and the world being held to ransom for oil? Islam call it 'Economic Jihad'. 

Science and The Qu'ran 

The video above mentions 1975 and that is a key date that is identified as the start of the last days of the end times based upon the biblical prophecies that indicate the timeline. 

May the will of God be done

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