Friday 22 July 2011


The LORD said HOLLY and then he showed me the Hollyhock flower. Its botanical name is Alcea and it was very popular in Victorian times. Sophia and her husband had hollyhocks in their garden when I was a child. These flowers do well in sunny locations, they create a lot of coin-shaped seeds 1/2" in diameter. Growing easily wherever they drop. They are a summer flower. [1]

In Japan it is known as aoi and was incorporated into an official seal. They also hold a Hollyhock festival and is one of the three main festivals held in Kyoto. Kyoto is a city that is famous for Dr Usui, the founder of Reiki healing as people know it today. It is also to do with the protagonist and in the past the LORD told me that I was the protagonist, it is part of the service that I have been involved in.

These plants do not live very long. However, they leave many descendants due to the seeds that they provide.

Holly is an Anglo-Saxon name and it means HOLY. Many years ago, we did meet a young lady called 'Holly' and her mother came to learn Reiki healing, she as become a wonderful friend over the years. She  made a contribution towards the expenses of both of the missions to Israel.

God bless her and her family.

There as been some good news today, Bhutan's Ambassador as put happiness on the UN's agenda. "The idea is based on Bhutan's model of GNH, or Gross National Happiness, which measures quality of life by trying to strike a balance between the material and the spiritual." [2] The first book that I wrote was about happiness and how one can attain it within. Its so important that people understand that health is the greatest wealth. So many people seek outside of themselves instead of within. Prevention is the best way forward, and that only happens when people are willing to heal themselves. 

Look here, there is also a place called 'Hollyhock' in British Columbia. Hollyhock exists to inspire, nourish and support people who are making the world better. "Hollyhock plays a really critical role in the ecosystem of social change" - John Richardson, Pivot Legal Society. "It is about non-virtual social networking" - Joel Solomon, Renewal. 

The basis of HOLLYHOCK is really the same as the LOVE UNION vision received in 2004. Small groups coming together on a local basis, to energize change. If this was happening everywhere what a wonderful place it would be. 

However, the environment is a very serious issue now, as the LORD God said last year 'Do or Die', 
'The Die is Cast'. 



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