Tuesday 5 July 2011


In the recent crop circles we mentioned the TON and its importance to the spiritual law in the bible. It is reported that the Japanese researchers have discovered vast deposits of rare minerals, used in many hi-tech appliances, in the seabed. The geologists estimate that there are about a 100bn TONS (global reserves are 110 million tonnes) of the rare elements in the mud of the Pacific Ocean floor, 78 different locations have been found.

This news is particularly relevant as China produces 97% of the world's rare earth metals and analysts say that this could challenge China's dominance of the market. No coincidence then that there was a territorial dispute with Japan last year and China restrained its supply to Japan. Remember what we wrote about Japan not yielding to NWO demands? Then at the start of 2011,  Japan get hits with a tsunami. However, it was a blessing in disguise, the world is now waking up to the kind of environmental disasters that can and are happening with nuclear energy at the crux of it.

Priorities have shifted due to nuclear power that can impact on huge populations for 100's of years. The environment and the environment you live in, is number one priority, not governments,  economics or even poverty. The main issue now for the children is the environment, and the new holy city is about that too. Get that right and everything else will come right.

Environmentalists are concerned about how deep sea mining could damage the marine eco-systems. A mining company Nautilus already as a licence to mine the floor of the Solomon oceans around Papua New Guinea. As we know there have also been quakes in the Solomon Islands as well. [1]

There is so much in the oceans that lay undiscovered.

It looks like Japan is being shown a new way forward.

You can't beat the ocean, join it, in harmony, and it will bring its rich rewards.



1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-14009910

2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_earths

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