Tuesday 8 December 2009

League of Nations

The message this morning was 'League of Nations". The League of Nations was set up as the result of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919-1920 and was the prelude to the United Nations. Its capital was in Geneva and the headquarters were based at the Palais Des Nations. It was Immanuel Kant's Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch in 1795 that provided an outline for the idea of a league of nations that would promote peace between the states.

The League of Nations reached its demise when Europe was thrown into war and the Palace of Peace remained empty until the second world war ended.

In 1943, at the Tehran Conference it was agreed to create a new organisation to replace the league: UNITED NATIONS. It is written that the Palace of Peace and the League's archives, were given to the UN and all other matters were brought to a conclusion. The Tehran Conference was held at the Soviet Embassy in Tehran and it appears that Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill were the major players. It was decided by the three Governments that the war had caused special economic difficulties for Iran, they agreed that they would continue to give Iran economic assistance due to having heavy demands made upon them by the world-wide military operations.[2] One might ask when did this financial help stop?

After I was given the words "League of Nations" I was shown the number 9. If you go to number 9 on the wikipedia link for the "League of Nations" it takes you to a link on the forerunner to the "League of Nations", and provides information on the International Peace Bureau that was set up by peace activists at that time.

"In 1889, the Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU) was co-founded by William Randall Cremer, the British pacifist and Member of the Parliament, and Frederic Passy, the founder of the French “Ligue de la Paix” and Member of Parliament. Thus, the first truly international political organization, whose aim was to promote international arbitration and world peace, was born. As a result, a new kind of pacifism, based on parliamentarian support, was established. By 1914, one third of all members of the 24 State Parliaments had joined IPU, and their ultimate goal was to compel their Governments to resolve disputes by means of peaceful settlement and arbitration. IPU acclaimed with satisfaction the initiative of Tsar Nicholas II who had called the Peace Conferences held at The Hague in 1899 and 1907.

IPU was directed by a Council headed by a President who was to have been both a Member and the President ex officio of the Executive Committee. All the annual IPU conferences served as forums by which States could “perfect” the process of international arbitration. The IPU Bureau transferred its operations from Bern to Brussels in 1911. "[3]

The final words that I was given was "Privy Council". The word privy means "private' and secret". In other words only certain people are privy to the information.

1. League of Nations
2. 9 = IPU
3. Privy Council

So what is going on?

Recently Obama threatened Swiss banks due to it being a haven for tax evaders, Switzerland recently banned the building of minarets that have a vantage point for the call to Islamic prayer. Iran and Libya have both threatened Switzerland with terrorist activity for doing so.

Europe is building a presidency at the EU in Brussels and UN watch is based in Geneva along with some of the other UN divisions. In the past Switzerland have always stayed neutral hence a good place for the "Palace of Peace". Do you get the feeling that there is an energy shift from the UN in New York back to Geneva where the energy of peace for the nations was born? Is that why Obama and Islam are persecuting Switzerland? Of course their national flag is also the cross the same as the England flag.

The great work done by UN watch is certainly admirable and in many ways Geneva is at the centre of East and West, it is an energy centre of peace and must be preserved as such. No religion, Islam or otherwise must be allowed to dominate it. Islam leave Switzerland alone or face your maker that did not bring peace to the people of Islamic cultures. Peace can only be found within and no religion has ever co-created peace in any country in the world.

Iran interrupts U.N. racism session; UN Watch

What else do we have on the number nine?

In Hebrew gematria 9 = Tet and the ancient pictograph is called the clay basket. It is a sphere with cross sticks in the middle of it. The Rabbi also states that in divinity it is also the breastplate of the High Priest and the modern hebrew letter looks like the womb e.g. feminine. [4]

Jeff Benner from the Ancient Hebrew research centre states that the meaning of the original pictograph is surround, mud, clay. [5] However, the more that I look at this image it looks like a drum and Abba is definitely banging his drum lately. 5,000 years ago frame drums were used in the middle east and drums were also used for vibrational healing as they are today.


Number nine is also the number of completion and divine love, it was on 999, 9th September 2007 that we delivered the covenant for the children of the world to Israel. The covenant of Spiritual Independence that can manifest peace for the nations.


1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Nations
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tehran_Conference
3. http://www.unog.ch/80256EE60057D930/(httpPages)/B5B92952225993B0C1256F2D00393560?OpenDocument
4. http://www.inner.org/hebleter/tet.htm
5. http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/3_thet.html

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