Monday 7 December 2009

Prophecy fulfilled.....

In the last two years we have been sharing ancient prophecies about myself on an international forum owned by an American company. I was initially walked there by God in 2007 to warn people not to "Fire the Grid". The work done there with God attracted many accusers from different realities, many fell away from the sacred, many stars fell out of heaven, many who claimed to be prophets bit the dust for all the world to see.

Sometimes the dark was turned to light and some that thought they were light showed their true colours and what was held deep inside their hearts that required healing. The sun of the Christians turned dark and the moon of the Muslims did not give its light. Most turned their back on the one that had been sent to help them and they simply refused to listen due to perceptions of reality and their own historical reference and conditioning. Many were unwilling to change and see beyond their own realities of truth just long enough to understand where I was coming from. There were mainly reactions instead of pondered upon responses from the heart of intelligence.

The one that came in the name of the LORD was called all the names under the sun by those that could only see their own shadows. However, God drove me on relentlessly and every time I tried to simply stop he would spur me on again in a higher state of righteousness. The harder God pushed me and them; the more the people opposed the one God had sent, the light continued to trigger the darkness for everyone to see. The ones with the pure hearts could see, hear and appreciated the fact that I led by example and kept my composure, grace, peace, integrity and mercy through it all. Flying divine like the graceful swan that I was born to be. Those that were meant to collect the manna from God did so and the good fruit will not be delayed.

Every time people attempted to pull the teacher of righteousness down from their throne; God raised me even more and continued to bestow more of his glory, he continued to exalt the humble vessel that had given their whole life to him for his will to be done.

Abba concealed and revealed for his divine purpose to help humanity and God works in mysterious ways. These words shown to me today from the University of Chicago Journal are true. They are about the one that God promised to send to help humanity, they are about our actions in the last two years after God instructed that it was time to tell people who I am.

These words confirm that what we have done was not mere speculation but the will of God and the fulfillment of another prophecy.

"Additionally, the Teacher is different from other exegetes because he does not merely apply scripture to his situation, but rather claims that scripture is written with him in mind. Based on the manner in which he interprets scripture, we can generalize that the Teacher is similar to the prophets, but also unique in his own right." Sarah Klitenic, University of Chicago. [1]

Every time more confirmation was given of what I already knew to be true it compounded the situation for the internet community that refused to change their less good ways.

Everything done was and is the will of God in this reality, I HOPE with all my heart that you can understand for it is the will of God for humanity to do so. To truly know and understand that there is always a higher perspective and that God kept his promise to humanity.

It is truly time to trust and accept the hand of help that reaches out to America at this point in time.

And as God said "EL AL" skywards, up to the skies....

Glory be to God


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