Tuesday 22 December 2009

Liberal Harlot

This has to be seen to be believed, it could only happen in America.

A liberal advocacy group “Rock the Vote” has a new video out encouraging young people to tell lies and use emotional black mail. To abstain from having sex with people who are opposed to healthcare reform. [1] Liberal Democrats you bring your nation into disrepute. What nation creates videos telling its young people to tell lies?

Rock the Vote claim the above video is satire. However, one of the most alarming aspects of the video is that it is encouraging, enticing and promoting that children/youth tell lies. What nations/peoples or religions create videos telling its young people to tell lies? Islam. Satire it might be for you. However, some youngsters viewing it may not see it as so. Political consciousness is a very serious matter indeed and so is the well being of children and adults. The video was completely irresponsible due to children and young people having access to it. Its time to live in integrity America and put children first.


Forfeits its own soul by selling humanity down the river.
Betrays its own soul by being a prostitute for the NWO.
It slivers across the internet like a stream of mud and leaves its mark everywhere.
They shout out its not fair every time they dish out the race card.
They certainly are loyal to their pimp.
As he struts across the world stage singing the praises of the Islamic religion.

You give him your money and he gives it to someone else.
Now who is the pimp working for?
Lo and behold what do we have here....
King Lear

The Liberal Harlot shakes its finger at freedom and liberty.
Its political correctness ensures it gets into bed with anyone and everyone.
Never mind the quality feel the bandwidth of the Harlot.

Then the Liberals use a natural gift from God as a weapon.
No sex, here we are liberals. What happened to making love?
No push and shove liberal harlot,
Who sells its soul to the highest bidder.

Witholding sex worked for some women who wished
to stop their men from going to war.
So the Liberal Harlot uses the tactics of war
to erode the boundaries of others.

They trade their bodies like a commodity.
Nothing has changed has it America?
Still the economic hit men,
taking advantage of the sensibilities of the less fortunate
to enhance the NWO agenda.

What a prostitute the Liberals make,
and they have the audacity to shout out fake,
when they are the ones on the take.

For goodness sake rescue the children,
don't let them enter the brothel of the Liberal Party.
Madam Pelosi is on the door cashing it in,
Obama is laughing all the way to bank.

Ole Frank all is forgiven....
bring back the magnificant seven...

Tempers rising with the seas,
and the animals are full of fleas.
The Liberal appeasers who like to please
only if you pay them for their souls.

Foul they shout, no more sex for you.
What fools are these
they descend and stoop below
the earthly realms.

Where is integrity? Justice and liberty?
What happened to free will and choice?
Everything has a cost they say,
even your sanity that they wish to take.
They have the cheek to call it satire!

Redeem yourselves liberals from the brothel of Obama's lair.
Do you really care?
Do you care enough to allow people to make their own choices?
Do you care enough to know when to leave them alone?
Do you love enough to love people unconditionally?

The harlot is far from God and the Liberals bring their nation into disrepute.

Does it give you the feel good factor?
Does it make your heart sing?
Woe to the liberal harlot that turned their back on God.


Revelation chapter 17 and 18 talks about the Harlot of America, more information can be found on this blog if you put Revelation 17 & 18 into the search engine on the top left corner of the blog.

1. http://virtualblog.splinder.com/post/21922130/Rock+the+Vote+supporta+Obama%2C+

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