Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Ella St Shooting

Following on from the last post,  I took a look to see the passages that relate to the word OCEAN. There appears to be only two. The first in the Psalm's and the second from Prophet Ezekiel when he gave his prophecy about Tyre. I then looked further at the biblical prophecy to see if it had been fulfilled. First there was documentary type video confirming that it had been, second there was video by man that is questioning the timeline. His video is called 'Ramses the Great, Hiram King of Tyre, Bible Time Line Issues.

We responded to him and asked if he had seen the incredible remains of the ancient city in Syria, and the temple that Solomon apparently built there.

Then I went to the kitchen to make something to eat and Abba said with a voice that was calling me with a name  'ELLA'. I do have a friend from decades ago and she lives in France. However, when I put Ella in the search engine, an hour ago a shooting was reported and it was in Ella Street. Pittsburg. A 30 year old man as been shot in the chest during a robbery in Bloomfield. [1] Clearly, the shooting of this man is more important to the LORD than me eating.

The condition and name of the man as not been released.

So we will just hold him in our heart of healing, until we get more news of him and ask the LORD to cradle him in his arms of love and healing.

I have just looked at the meaning of the word 'Ella' and it means 'goddess'. It can also mean 'pistachio', 'All or 'Completely'. Iran is the largest producer of pistachio nuts with the USA coming second, Turkey and Syria coming behind them.


1. http://www.wpxi.com/news/28449598/detail.html

2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ella_(name)

1 comment:

Ella said...

Hmmm, I've been so drawn to this name for some reason!