Friday 15 October 2010

Apocryphon of James

In this video of the Apocryphon of James it mentions that Christ arose after 550 days. In Judaism there used to be 360 days in the year and 550 days gives us 1 and half years in the gregorian calendar.

550 is an interesting number especially as 2012 is a five year and the 5th of May 2012, India a holy day. In 2006 I was asked to do my best to be in India for 555, in the fifth month of the fifth year on the 5th day.

The number 550 is also mentioned to do with Solomon and his work. In the prophecies of the Christ in the New Testament he mentions Solomon and the Queen of the South. e.g the Queen of the Prophets, the south is the direction of the Prophets. He told Israel the sign of Jonah would be seen, and the whale turned up in Israel in May. Prophet Jonah = Prophet Dove is also featured in the Michelangelo fresco of the last judgement. More information on this blog archived in August 2010.

In Hebrew gematria 550 is also to do with God's government. Other words with the value of 550, 'He shall preserve'. 'Tikkun' is to do with restoration through healing and purification. [1]He shall preserve is also to do with salvation. Self-preservation through healing was the foundation of the work of the Christ. We wrote an article about the 'Meaning of Salvation' and published on the internet many years ago. We have also written a chapter for a book explaining it and cross-referencing it with many scriptures including the bible.

550 is also EAGLE and this morning I was given two visions, the first was a wolf and then a very large bird like a phoenix that flew very quickly in front of it. Then the wolf was gone.

The timeline for the Apocryphon of James is 100-150CE, it is also called 'The Secret Book of James' and is preserved in a single Coptic copy found in Codex III of the Nag Hammadi codices. The Nag Hammadi Library was buried for God's divine purpose, and was not destined to be revealed until the 20th century when the Queen of the South was born. Nostradamus also spoke about these texts in his prophecies.

Scholars do feel the text was embellished upon and I tend to agree especially as it relates to prophecy. Due to the Rabbi's closing down the prophet schools in 100BC, to stop anyone developing their spiritual gifts that could or would stand against their doctrines and beliefs.

However, I find the 550 days a very interesting aspect of this text. The words about 'wanting' also resonate with me due to the divine teachings that I have received in the past, combined with the wisdom from experience of the healing process.

Wants come from the root that relate to the 'inner child'. Those that have not healed their wants go on wanting like a donkey chasing a carrot, seeking outside of the self. Buddha also made a comment about the root and in 2006, Abba said 'The root is the access'.

"When we return to the root, we gain the meaning; when we pursue external objects we lose the reason'. Gautama Buddha.

In the text Christ is also talking about reason and the soul. The followers of this blog are also aware that we also talk about the root causes of core issues. This is part one of the text. However, part two is available on youtube and I have given you a link for the text and the scholars response. 

“In as much as you are a minister of the salvation of the saints” Secret Book of James. 

As Abba said the other day 'To HE that understands the promise, there is no secret'. 


Some more on 550 from Rabbi Ginsberg. 

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