Tuesday 5 October 2010

Lord Byron and the Kangaroo

This morning when coming back into the body after a nights work in another reality, Abba said 'YOU ARE HIS GRACE'. 

And he is my HOPE, as we know the three graces include CHARITY. 

When God bestows his SWAN of GRACE upon humanity, he does so due to his immense KINDNESS, MERCY and forgiveness of man's ways that lead to self-destruction. Our heavenly Father gave humanity his Swan of Grace for their salvation, she understands the meaning of salvation,  because she was divinely trained for Abba's PURPOSE to show humanity how to save the self from the valley of death. Of course, it does take a willingness from humanity to engage with his graceful swan. Many have been salvaged from the valley of death. Many have been redeemed from drugs, drink, medication, diseases and crimes against the self and others. We have witnessed many miracles when it was God's will for it to be so.

When I came back into the body today, my left arm was in great pain, and my right arm was hurting a little. My arms were freezing cold that indicates that the place that I had been was also a cold environment. It felt like I had been somewhere very cold, to raise the children up and keep them warm. The rest of my body was normal and the pain quickly left my body, once I got up and walked around. I have a strong connection with the children that are cold because in the past life of White Dove, my two children and I died in the cold while my husband went off hunting for food.

I have never liked the cold, even as a child. Although the snow in Austria did not feel cold at all. It was a very different energy of snow. So I can understand why we are going to cold places at the moment to help the children that are suffering from the cold.

Then Abba said 'BYRON'. I have never read the poetry of the one known as LORD BYRON. However, after reading it today, his POETRY speaks to my HEART. The English born, Bryon ended his life in Greece, and defended Greece against Islam and the Ottoman Empire. He had a house in Nottinghamshire, the county of the legend of Robin Hood.

"Ah! Sure some stronger impulse vibrates here,
Which whispers friendship will be doubly dear
To one, who thus for kindred hearts must roam,
And seek abroad, the love denied at home."
Here is a link for more of his wonderful poems. [1]

Then I was given a vision of a Kangaroo. Kangaroo is about moving forward and she is also a great mother who protects her young. She carries her children in her pouch for four months. Four months from now is January 2011. 

This wonderful video tells you how organized she is. Kangaroo always reminds me of the glorious year that we were blessed to live in Australia, write, heal, explore, swim daily and enjoy the sunshine every day. Truly a blessed country with the most amazing spiritual people, I have ever been blessed to meet. My memories of Sydney, Seaforth, Avalon being with the Holy Mother and Christ will stay with me forever. We left our footprints in the sand and the land and its people brought great joy to my heart right from the start. From the moment we stepped off of the plane, the heat of the sun could be felt like gentle waves touching the face.

It was during that year in Australia that my son and I were taught to travel light and how to live out of a suitcase. That was a great time in our life. God bless Australia and all of its people and children, we hold you in our hearts.

A video about the KANGAROO, the MUM

After that I was told that Hip Hop know, musicians know, and I was shown images of film directors, actors and actresses, they all know the water is coming and they must get people away from the coastlines.

Then I was sent an invitation to become friends with a youtube channel called 'FREE MIDDLE EAST'. The videos are excellent so we did not only accept the invitation we subscribed.

May the will of God be done for his glory.


1. http://www.poetry-archive.com/b/byron_george_gordon.html

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