Friday 22 October 2010


Last night I was on a conference call in the USA and the lead speaker was talking about the corruption in the USA and how it has penetrated every level of society. He also said that corruption is part of human nature and you cannot eradicate it.

I have to agree to disagree with him. When a child is born that child is a bundle of unconditional love. Children learn from observation, so if a child observes corruption in the family he will become corrupt. If a child observes manipulation or control he/she will learn to manipulate and control. If a child learns integrity and honor the child grows in integrity, justice and honor. If a child is taught the basics of the spiritual law then the child lives in harmonic concordance with it and their own divine being.

The pure will of children is usually crushed in childhood as such their energy goes astray. However, as we know children also go through a tremendous amount of conditioning in the education system, especially in the USA.

The Economic Hitman (USA) spoke of how he was corrupted by money and sex, again it comes back to how desire can corrupt. The more that people heal themselves, the more they cannot be corrupted by power, money or sex. Healing enables the energy to move into the heart of WE GIVE and the heart is for giving.

When you live in the heart of integrity and conscience it is easy to stand up to corruption wherever it may be found. I was not very popular in the local business community when I began to expose those that were delivering money in brown paper bags to win contracts. In fact, in recent years, one of the wives of those men informed me that her husband had told her to stay away from me. Why was that? The darkness does not like to be exposed and as the bible says, it will not come into the light for that reason.

The bible informs the people that the wicked go into the pit of corruption and the wicked were those that did not take care of mother earth and live in harmony with the spiritual law. In 2 Peter 1:4 It mentions the divine nature -v- corruption due to desire. What did the USA teach its children? The American Dream that is all about desire and Christ like Buddha taught people that craving desire was the cause of pain and suffering.

So the USA is now suffering due to its own desire to be bigger and better than other nations and in the process the children have been corrupted from being allowed to be in their divine nature of their true selves. Recently, Michelle Obama was telling the school children in the garden of the White House that they will be the best in the world. Do English people tell their children that? Of course not. We teach our children that happiness is more important than success and good health is the greatest wealth.

The solution? The only solution is for individuals to heal themselves and there is no better discipline than Reiki for helping people to come into the light of truth that exists within every human being. When people heal themselves they are also helping to heal their nation and group consciousness.

Also healing of the 'inner child' is an essential requirement for those that wish to live in integrity with their divine nature. Ascension of people and planet does not come to be without healing the inner child. That is why the Christ told his followers that they had to become like a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. When people heal their inner child, they reclaim and redeem their innocence and purity.

The presenter also mentioned the fact that 80 billion individual investors have left the stock market. We worked hard for three years to inform the people that investors in the stock markets are money changers. The same as those they blame for their countries downfall. People have to take responsibility for their co-creation because it is all part of the law of attraction. As Abba said 'It is not a one way street'.

When you pull out the cans at the base of the pyramid the pyramid collapses just like a domino effect as Abba said they will all fall like a pack of cards. Ultimately, the darkness dies and the light of love is eternal.

"Real love never dies but darkness does" from Sacred Words

"Love without integrity is like an ocean without fish. A library without books and a shell of love without a pearl of wisdom'. 

May the will of God be done and the USA heal its people and nation.

Help Us Fight Against Corruption!

May the will of God be done

After I posted the above Abba said 'MARIAN' and that name
links into the Michael M Mauldin case.

Remember the poverty of Michael? Does it haunt you?
Do you remember the day he called out to you for help?
There is nowhere to hide from God.


Anonymous said...

Eliakim, True God, Lord of Goodness, is not a punishing God. When we no longer live behind a veil and face up to what we have done, both good and bad, human nature places emphasis on the bad and thus we punish our selves; this way, we are in a perpetual chain of self improvement.

Eliakim said...

The word bad does not exist in my reality Christina, it appears to be a word used by Americans a lot.

Just because God is the judge of the people and stands in judgement of their transgression of the spiritual law does not mean that he punishes anyone. He allows you to do that yourselves. Just like the judge in a court room does not take you to prison or imprison you, nor does God.

When people heal themselves and get involved in the healing process people do not punish themselves. Healing becomes joyous when you see it all through the eyes of God.

Only those that live behind a veil of illusion speak of a punishing God so maybe you would like to heal that within Christina. When you heal yourself you also help to heal your nation.

Ascension is all about becoming spiritually fit and reaching the peak of spiritual fitness. Some don't have the courage to climb or fly to the top and that's OK too. Each have their journey and are responsible and accountable for their thoughts, words and deeds.

Perfection is within for those that have the courage to go there to redeem the sacred and holy. The sanctuary of the holy of holies is a wonderful place to be with Abba. He really is wonderful and very different to his Son.

He is a just God and his justice is given to help raise the people up. However, if the people refuse to do his will then he turns his face away.

People prayed for me to come and he sent me exactly as he promised.

Blessings in abundance