Saturday 11 December 2010

Abba said JAYCE

When I woke up this morning Abba said JAYCE, and it is the Norwegian form of the classical Greek name IASON meaning HEALER. Jayce nice play on letters there with JC. [1] IASON  = "One who will heal".  Jason is also IASON in Greek and was used by Jewish people who bore the name Joshua [4]

There was an animation series in the 80's called JAYCE AND THE WHEELED WARRIORS, LIGHTENING LEAGUE -v- the MONSTER MINDS. One can understand the monster minds as the academics and those that live in their heads instead of their hearts.

The opening phrase of the series:

"Thundering across the stars to save the universe from the Monster Minds. Jayce searches for his father to unite the Magic Root and lead his Lightning League to victory over the changing form of Saw Boss. Wheeled Warriors explode into battle - Lightning Strikes!"

The monster minds were carried out by clones, academia and its science does co-create clones, so does the military, and religious orthodoxy, they all shape and condition the mind. Conspiracy forums do the same, they are conditioning people to think and be a particular way, the people follow their leaders like sheep, as such they become clones of their mind monster leaders. 

Some of the forums including Islamic ones have even allowed people to incite violence against others and many have ended up in prison due to it. 

To truly know truth one has to come from the heart, it is now a known scientific fact that intelligence comes from the heart. Healers know that violence disempowers the soul and vexes the Spirit of God. 

If a person is not aligned with their hearts of intelligence then they move on automatic pilot of their earthly conditioning that comes from everything that they experience, including academia. The X factor as been put on the chopping block by students without them realizing that they are part of the machine. Have these students been influenced by Muslims? Yes, of course they have, orthodox Islam stands against music, musicians, dancing and everything else that is sacred and holy. 


The voice of a Single Mum

The X factor gives people an opportunity in the same way that university does, the difference is, neither of them offer a job at the end of it, unless you get into the finals. Different horses for different courses. 

However, those that appear on the X factor get the public appearances that kick start their careers, if they're really talented they go on to earn a lot of money that they can then use to help good causes. Many singers in past decades, have become the voice of nations for all that is good and divine. The voice and music also has the power to heal, we cannot say the same for most of university academia. As Abba said 'Rock stars sang about you'. 

Do academics get the same opportunity to advance to help humanity? You decide. In my humble view, those that go to university start out life with negative energy of debt and those that appear on the X factor start out in abundance of positivity financially. What would you choose given the choice? Positivity or negativity? 

Music is sound and it can have a powerful influence on impacting on humanity in a positive way, in fact, it has been proven that it can change whole cultures by purely being. That is the difference between sound that is vibrational, and those that spend their lives writing papers addressing academia's existing belief systems that are usually stuck in a groove of consciousness co-created by academia in the first place. 

Its the same with the sacred union with the divine, you only win the job of a mission with God, if you are good enough to go the eXtra mile and get the three degrees of divine experience.  The difference is the journey with God is sacred and holy. 

We truly stand against the machine, religion and anything that impregnates young minds and makes them into monsters. We stand against anything that is unhealthy for children. 

Healing is the path to salvation and love is the way, once people begin the healing journey of their own choice, there is only one way and that is UP in integrity. That is why you were given two feet to walk the spiritual path home to God, two eyes to see him, two ears to hear him and two hands to do his work. 

It is clear that the left wingers, communists and atheists infiltrated academia many decades ago. We are now seeing this pouring out in every sphere of life. Remember this that the facists, communists and anti-semitists are an unholy alliance. 

They are not healers so how could they ever know what ZION means? 

The Lightening League fulfill the divine plan in the battle against the Monster Minds. 

The Golden Fleece.  [3] 18th of March, 2009. As the Lord said the other day "The Time Has Come". "The Wait is Over' 

No coincidence then that this is post 26 in December, 26 is the gematria value of the name of God. 

Onwards and upwards 


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