Tuesday 14 June 2011

Joseph's Dream - Messiah of Joseph

I have just been led to see that it is written that when Joseph was 17 years old, he had a dream about the descendent of Joseph. Number 17, is also the number of the eight pointed STAR and in Joseph's second dream, it is written that the stars are the righteous. Chet as the value of eight and the CHET visions were received in March 2009.

Bear in mind here that Joseph is talking to his brothers, the children of Jacob and Jacob is symbolic of the tribes of Israel.

"Once Joseph dreamed a dream, and he could not refrain from telling it to his brethren. He spoke, and said: "Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed. Behold, you gathered fruit, and so did I. Your fruit rotted, but mine remained sound. Your seed will set up dumb images of idols, but they will vanish at the appearance of my descendant, the Messiah of Joseph." 

"Then Joseph dreamed another dream, how the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down before him, and Jacob, to whom he told it first, was rejoiced over it, for he understood its meaning properly. He knew that he himself was designated by the sun, the name by which God had called him when he lodged overnight on the holy site of the Temple. He had heard God say to the angels at that time, "The sun has come." The moon stood for Joseph's mother, and the stars for his brethren, for the righteous are as the stars." [1]

His second dream is quite incredible because when I was sent on the second mission to Jerusalem, Israel the hotel where I stayed for a couple of nights was on the top of a hill, overlooking the old city and dome of the rock. It was owned by the Vatican, a theological college that had been converted to a hotel. I only stayed there because there was no room in the inn for me in East Jerusalem, it was divine providence. 

When I was in Tel Aviv, God called out to me loudly 'Ben Ami', I phoned an Israeli for a translation and it means 'Son of my People'. When I was in the hotel in Jerusalem he called out 'Reuben' and it means 'Behold a Son'. Reuben is the English translation of the Hebrew word 'Reuven'. 

In his dream he mentions the sun, moon and eleven stars. This year also ends in 11 plus two planets = 13. 13 is the day of my physical birth, it is also the value of ECHAD = The One, and LOVE, another name that Abba calls me, ahavah.  

I can tell you this that by the time we have finished sharing truth, there is going to be some shocked faces internationally, and many will be joyous. It was a year ago in July, that we had the Messiah Gateway solar eclipse. 


1. http://philologos.org/__eb-lotj/vol2/onea.htm#2


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Eliakim said...


Isaiah 63

63 gematria - The Prophet Leads

Eliakim said...

Check out photos of high fives

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