Thursday 30 June 2011

Joseph's Dream

This morning I had a dream of a man that I met while in Greece in 2010, and he as a Middle Eastern heritage. If my memory serves me well, in this life time his grandfather was murdered there, and great forgiveness was required.

In the dream this morning,  I was staying at a hotel, I was with a man that I had just met and we were socializing and chatting. Then the man from Greece arrived, he was looking for me and he was on my right. He had shed some weight since I last saw him and he was dressed in a suit. His eyes were filled with sadness.

After awhile, we were sitting down and he was holding my right hand for comfort. Like you hold the hand of a person that you are fond of, when you feel a heart connection and like to be close. I kept asking him to tell me why he had come to see me and why he was so sad. He just couldn't seem to speak the words and just kept looking at me, he continued to hold my hand. I continued to prod him to tell me why he had come to see me. I kept asking him what was going on in his life. He still did not respond.

During the dream I offered to have dinner with him and to meet him again later. I then went to get some of my things with the other man where I had left them. Then I went to get washed and changed for dinner. On the way back to my hotel room there was a different cameo to the dream. I stopped at a place that was like a pub, it was like I passing through it. There I met some women and one particular one that I had not met before. All the women were dressed fashionably and they wore a lot of make-up like many young ones do today. I asked the woman about the place and she was happy. The Greek woman that spoke good English, told me that the town had been renamed because it had become a drug town. She said "We've taken it over, its ours now".

Then I returned to my hotel room and on the way I could not find the right key. However, eventually I did. In the next part of the dream, I was on my way to meet the man that was troubled. He arrived at the same time and he was dressed casually this time. He was wearing a tracksuit, blue trousers, white tee-shirt and grey jacket. He looked a lot more relaxed than before. He asked me if he looked OK, and whether I could accept him. I just smiled and then he put his arm around my shoulder. I did not question why he was doing so. Then we were sitting again and he was holding my hand again.

Then a child arrived, an American child, with fair hair, about 8-9 years old. He was happy in his soul. I felt it could be his Son or a member of his American family. Then as I was leaving the child was joyous and said that he was happy that he had met me and it had been a pleasure. The child was very polite and well mannered, he was demonstrating his joy that I had given time to a man that he loved and loved him.

Then the dream ended. After the dream ended, I felt for the man in the dream that did not feel able to speak of his most innermost feelings. Clearly, the reason that he had come to me, was because there was nobody that he could trust to share all of himself with. He couldn't open up with anyone else that he knew, he did not feel safe and that is why he came to me and kept holding my hand to receive comfort. As I am writing this now, I feel that the American child was his inner child and it is time for him to find the joy in his life again.

If a person is not happy where they are, if they do not feel safe, they must seek within for the reasons why. However, it is always good to talk to people that you feel that you trust with your most innermost feelings. A person that you know that will listen without judgement of what you say to them, that is why he came to find me. He knows in his heart that I have the key to his heart, if he can bring himself to share
all of him. The man is struggling with God and complete surrender to his heart and following it. He requires a single key and he knows that I hold it. As I am writing this now, it feels like it is healing that is required is to do with a past life, to do with a past life issue that is a repeating pattern in his life. Was he a brother of Joseph? Time will tell. I certainly consider him to be a brother in this life time.

Love beyond measure


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