Tuesday 28 June 2011

Solar Boats Egypt

In January 2001, I was blessed to spend a week in Egypt on a Nile cruise that was a late booking due a friends 50th birthday. While I was in Egypt I was given many messages and shown many things.

While I was there I was shown various visions including a bunny rabbit, that I now know is do with this year, the Chinese Year of the Rabbit. I was also shown a throne chair, and what looks like a staff on the same day with an additional image of a sacred golden ankh. At the ends of the key of life are two V's, and in my journal I have drawn two dots. The V's look like arms with hands and I can see now that it indicates a double victory for the one that holds the key of life. Now some understand the importance of my left hand being the most sensitive to the energy of the people; when I am doing hands on healing.

The message written on the same page is "Land in peace, crown in the fall, seeds have sown, the plant as grown".

However, the reason I mention this is that on the 14th of January, 2001. During dream state I was shown a King on a boat floating down the Nile and the boat was on fire. The 14th of January is the 'Day of Integration'. At the start of this year we also shared that there are greater riches to come for Egypt.

The reason that I mention the boat today, is that there is news that another 'Solar Boat' as been excavated in Egypt and the report states that it is 4,500 years old. The boat as been excavated from the foot of the Giza Pyramids, not far from where I was staying on the first trip to Egypt in 1996.

Another boat like it has also been restored and is now in the 'Solar Boat' Museum. It is written that it is 140 feet long. Both of these boats were found on the South side and the south is clearly important as it is one of the sacred directions.


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