Wednesday 29 June 2011


This is the second crop circle from Allington, Wiltshire reported on the 28th of June 2011, the first was the  lovely Sun of Righteousness Crop Circle. We also have the 'Double Crown' crop circle that arrived the day before in a different place. How perfect then that they all arrived in time for the Jesse partial solar eclipse on the 1st of July 2011. 

The 28th of June is the '
Day of Stimulation' and this crop circle will certainly stimulate many that understand the meaning to humanity. 28 also just happens to be the soferim for the LAMB of God. 28 also compounds to 10 and ten is the new cycle of time that is coming to be with the eclipse. Its also a beautiful sunny day here in England and 750,000 have gone on strike.

The location ALL IN TON is also a good one, all for one and one for all, a saying of the unions. 


Ton is also numerically 100 and 100 is also to do with the spiritual law of the Christ teachings in respect of reaping what you sow, and England is a Christian nation where the government is now reaping what it as sown. It is what is known as cause and effect. So let us look at the soferim of the crop circle.

I see two solar systems, the first with three aspects to it. Father, Mother and Son, the Trinity. I then see another sun birthed from the first solar system, it is perfect for this partial solar eclipse on the 1st of July, 2011. The Jesse solar eclipse. This crop circle speaks of the birth of the SUN and how it came to become. 

There is four white spheres and white is the colour of purity. FOUR is also the number of this year of 4. There is three rims to the large part of the crop and that gives us seven. Seven is also the number of the spiritual teacher. There is five rims to the small part of the crop and five is the number of physical manifestation. 

4+7 = 13 = ECHAD = THE ONE. 

13+ 5 = 18 and that is 'Materialism striving to destroy spirituality' and that gives the people the reason why the SUN had to be birthed to help the people. In the biblical prophecies it is to do with the VIRGIN that stands against the Son of Lawlessness in the name of the LORD God. The VIRGIN SUN. No coincidence then that England is the land of VIRGIN communications, media and trains. VIRGIN airways and VIRGIN records. This crop circle speaks of the VIRGIN's VOYAGE of the SUN for the glory of the LORD God.


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