Friday 10 June 2011

SUN ERUPTS 7th of June

Well this is massive. Another eruption/CME on the 7th of June 2011. 7 is the life number of the spiritual teacher and it is the value of the Hebrew letter ZAYIN, the Jewish sages refer to it as the woman of valor. I have always felt it being the energy of the sword of truth. Although in the ancient pictographs it is the plough. Jeff Benner, author of the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon defines its meaning as 'harvest', 'food' 'crop' and there have certainly been some interesting crop circles this season, more powerful and dramatic in meaning then most people realize.

However, in a biblical sense, the plough is to do with Jacob, ploughing the land and Israel is the land of Jacob. The ploughing as to be done before the new seed can be planted. Its also important to allow the soil to rest so that it can recuperate like us. The land is meant to have every seventh year off. Wouldn't that be wonderful if the people could have six years working then every seventh year, they could do as they wish. Either travel or study, or both, or simply rest. People are not meant to work, non-stop  from cradle to grave, paying taxes to those that treat the people like slaves. There is not meant to be any tax on labour at all. Hence, why some people have done their utmost to eradicate the bible and the best of its teachings.

"M-FLARE AND RADIATION STORM: This morning around 0641 UT, magnetic fields above sunspot complex 1226-1227 became unstable and erupted. The blast produced an M2-class solar flare, an S1-class radiation storm, and a massive CME. A recording of the blast from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory ranks as one of the most beautiful and dramatic movies of the SDO era"

12.26. 12 is the number of the victim in numerology e.g. the heir to the Rothschild fortune. 26 is the Hebrew gematria value of the name of God. In numerology 26 is the number of partnerships and 27 is the number of the sceptre. So we then have the death of the heir of the Rothchilds fortune enables the SACRED UNION with the DIVINE SCEPTRE to come to be.

The timing was 641 and that is Jewish gematria of the following:

"The Magnificent King of Kings", "Order of Angels", 'And born to her a SON".

This was posted on youtube in response to the video.

This is the biggest Massive Prominence Eruption since sometime in 2006, the explosion did not face earth, so the only thing we might notice or i mean Nasa, is minor satelite and power disturbance, and they also belive that it will create a beatiful northern light, so LOOK UP !Andyfoshoe

Blessings in abundance





Anonymous said...


Yes, June 7th was a very important Day, indeed!

June 7th is the Birthday of Col. Muammar Gaddafi! ;) He just turned 69 years old! There are other meanings, too. 1969 was the Year in which Gaddafi acquired Leadership of Libya, from King Idris. This began the whole 'September 1, 1969' Revolution in Libya. Also, 1969 was the year in which I was born, approx. 1.5 months after the Revolution began.

June 7th also saw another appearance of 'Anonymous,' which sent a Message to NATO, stating that They are not the enemy of Peoples and Nations, that they fight for Peoples Freedoms from those that would suppress them. 'Anonymous' also mentioned about the 'Headless Snake,' saying that they cannot behead a headless snake. Also, that NATO better not mess with 'Anonymous,' otherwise, if NATO should destroy 'Anonymous,' that like 'Hydra,' Ten more Heads will grow in it's place, purely out of anger, to take on those that go against 'Anonymous.'

Furthermore, June 7th Mysteriously saw the appearance of a 2nd Audio Tape arrive at Libyan State Television in Tripoli, Libya, which aired an approximate ten-minute length of verbatim from Col. Muammar Gaddafi, which basically stated that he/we will never surrender nor accept defeat, and that we will be victorious! He says that we accept Martyrdom, and that it is a 'million' times better. He further states that our children and grand children, and generations in the future, will look back and be proud of our courage and resilience, and that Libyans were living hours of Glory. He further continued, stating that we didn't go across the seas to attack NATO, so why is NATO doing this to Libya? Why? He says NATO is chasing a mirage. He also says that if they are trying to force us into submission, that we will never submit!! Now, what must be noted here, is that all that Muammar says, applies to both HIM AND I, since we are joined, as one. We totally defend and sustain what each other says. What must also be noted here, is that how can Muammar Gaddafi's voice on a tape mysteriously appear in Tripoli, on June 7th, when He actively dwells within my Heart? His Soul lives within my Heart! So, how can it be that he could give an audio tape to Libyan TV in Tripoli, when he is here with me, in the USA??!! A Great Mystery, indeed!

And lastly, regarding the extraordinary Solar Eruption on June 7th: This eruption came as a total surprise to everyone! No one saw it coming! It is said that this Solar Flare erupted as an M-2 Class Flare, which when erupted largely and extraordinarily, then the Solar Material RAINED back down to the Solar Surface, instead of ejecting material into space. Huge Explosion! Now, what's also very interesting, is that those who were watching this eruption, when going to ',' found that they measured it as an 'X-20' Class Solar Flare, which means, it measured OFF OF THE CHARTS! But for some strange reason, soon thereafter, '' took down the X-20 Rating and replaced it with the M-2 Rating. This doesn't make sense at all, because those who were watching it live, via SOHO, etc., saw an Eruption that doesn't match for an M-2, that would match better to the X-20 eruption. Now, historically-speaking, the biggest recorded Solar Flare happened on Nov. 4, 2003, which measured as an 'X-45' Flare, which actually probably measured stronger than that, but our Instrumentation isn't made to measure Solar Flares of that Strength and Power.

Also, June 7th was very Special to us, regarding the HackPen Crop Formation, and the children. :)

The Supreme Queen al-Kimiyah

Eliakim said...

20 is the number if Judgement. In the major arcane it is the man, woman and child.

In the ancient pictographs X is the crossed sticks and it means 'sign or 'mark' like

when someone can see something magnificent.

November 4, 2003 was the time of the Harmonic Concordance when spiritual

people gathered all round the world to celebrate the planets creating the

STAR OF DAVID on the 8/9th. That is when the Son of Man arrived. [1][2]

So it is with great pleasure that we will share the video again once more.