Friday 17 June 2011

Jesse Solar Eclipse 1st of July 2011

The next partial solar eclipse comes on the 1st of July 2011, in the soferim it is the 'Day of Emancipation', that is such a wonderful word to hear now, because it is to do with liberation. It is also 'Tartan Day' for 3 million Australians and those from New Zealand that are from Scottish descent. This day is an extra special celebration for the Celtics, as it links in with my Scottish heritage,  the root of Jesse from where Sophia came.

If you take a look at the Jesse fresco painted by Michelangelo, you will
see me sitting there in the arch frame. It is the true line of Jesse, in the fresco, I am sitting in the exact same position that was caught on camera, when I was sitting in front of the fire, at the holy gathering with the spiritual children of Israel in May 2006. You will notice in the fresco Michelangelo as made my legs look like two elephants, the elephant is the animal with the most spiritual wisdom. The two elephants together represent the masculine and feminine. It means that this person is a spiritual heavy weight, the elephants are in front of her and they will always defend her. The elephant is also symbolic of Ganesh and he is known to be the overcomer of obstacles. Hence, why the book of revelation predicted, that THE ONE that overcome would be victorious. Of course, it goes without saying that she as right of way.

This eclipse is the third of four partial solar eclipses in 2011 and as we know this is a four year. This is the very first eclipse in the Saros 156 series, so there are no previous pictures of the eclipse itself.  It is the first of 69 eclipses and a new eclipse series lasts for a 1,000 years. The magnitude will be 0.097 and it can only be seen off the coast of Antarctica. However, NASA state "This Southern Hemisphere event is visible from a D-shaped region in the Antarctic Ocean south of Africa. Such a remote and isolated path means that it may very well turn out to be the solar eclipse that nobody sees."

The eclipse begins at 7.53 and ends at 9.22 UTC. Seven is the life number of the spiritual teacher and 53 was the year that I was conceived. 53 is also the Hebrew gematria value of 'Stone', 'Prophecy', 'Message', 'Garden', 'Jewel', 'Sun, Heat', 'The Hebrew'.

Nine is the number of completion and divine love, 22 is the Master number of the divine feminine and impacts on great schemes, leadership, the angels, and the LORD's HESED.

NASA state that the eclipse will take place at the Moon's descending node in Western Gemini. So we can anticipate a lot less 'emotive' communication from those that are ruled by the moon during the next six months.

In other words by those that are ruled by their emotions, have a lot of work to do within, to understand why and what is happening to them and the planet right now. A friend said that when she was on holiday, the gas was cut off, her computer was stolen and she lost her passport. Adverse life conditions hold a message for you all, if you can find the positive in the negative and its message for you. If you can find the silver lining to every dark cloud, without taking anything personally, then you will be walking on water, the ocean of emotion. Remember this the moon rules the 'inner child' and its wave of emotion. Hence why healing begins with the child within.

Try to find the moral in every story, whether it is biblical, in films, books  or in your life right now, what is it telling you about yourself? In every life experience there is the great story, if you can find the moral of it. When you can find the moral in every story, then you will be on your way to understanding the moral compass that I am, and the reason for its state of being. Remember this: the best facilitators of the healing process are the best story tellers. In self-disclosure of the therapeutic relationship, it gives others a sacred space to share themselves, and learn from your experience that includes their own.

Let us continue with Soferim, the Saros is 156 and 156 is the Hebrew gematria value of JOSEPH. The biblical prophecies told you that the flame of Joseph would come as promised to Moses. Joseph also had dreams of the Messiah that would come in his name when he was just 17 years old.

The 1st of July 2011, is also the energetic date of 174,  it is the value of the Aramaic word 'PROSPER', in Greek it is the value of 'PURE' and 'BOOK'.

This eclipse and the content will have a powerful impact on the Middle East. One of the astrologers state that "the sun and moon will be linking with the T-square of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto" and there we have the 'T' again. Saturn is the teacher, Uranus, is about the divine plan, and Pluto, is do with the metamorphosis of your being, what is buried in the sub-conscious and what it is asking you to bring to the surface to heal. 

So if you find it difficult to accept this reality, then please seek within for the reason why so that you can heal it. 

The Grand Cross is tied into the national chart of the UK, and the link to the astrologer also mentions the crescendo that we mentioned in previous eclipse articles. [3] Another astrologer as done a chart especially for the USA and he has called it the 'KARMA eclipse' and done an excellent write up.  See the link below. [4]

Celebrate Celtics, celebrate. You have reason to celebrate.

The 1st of July is also a Friday and that is the Sabbath for many, so celebrations all round.

I dedicate this article to Michael M. Mauldin, the man that stood by my side against the Prince of Persia,  Michael died this time last year, he will remain in our heart forever.

May justice be done for all peoples and glory be for the LORD God.

They sang and they sang, they prayed and they prayed. They wrote books and made films.

The reality is here.






Anonymous said...

Eliakim said...

University of Illinois = OBAMA, tsunami happened on the 11th. 11 is the number of duality. Japan were not playing ball with China. They are now. Japan and China were arch enemies. OBAMA is beholden to CHINA due to American debt.

Strike back Hawaii = Obama. Warning Obama.

Eliakim said...


The magnitude of this eclipse is 00.97

97 is the gematria value of Melek = king. Dove and Star. In Aramaic it is also Daniel. It is also the value of abad and the LORD mentioned abad in the past to do with the USA. abad means perish and it is mentioned in Jer 23:1