Monday 13 June 2011


The people from Tower Hamlets speak out in this video called 'The most unequal place in Britain'. While millions were spent building the Millennium Dome, and now the Olympic Stadiums for 2012, the people and children of Tower Hamlets suffer. It is the highest child poverty in London, youth without youth clubs, that now cannot afford university education either.

Historically, it was the Church, and local community groups that provided facilities for youth clubs, many of the churches that existed in the borough have been converted into mosques. The more the indigenous population was driven out of Tower Hamlets by immigration, the greater the poverty rose.

However, it is important to note; that the financial advisors are still given their million pound bonuses to spend how they wish. The government can always find money to pay for wars like the ones in Iraq, Libya and Afganistan.

The people are not happy with you Cameron and Clegg or the government that came before you.

How can multi-millionaires understand poverty when they have never experienced it? They can't, as such they have no idea what they're co-creating. What a pretty sight it will be in 2012, to have the Olympics in the borough of poverty, while the superstars sing their songs and wave their banners.

How the wealthy will be sitting in their Olympic seats while children suffer around the corner.

An extreme contrast will be experienced by those that have the courage; to explore the borough and meet some of its people. While international superstars are winning their medals, the power of duality cannot be missed in the borough of Tower Hamlets.



Anonymous said...

Yes, it's very sad and tragic for 'Tower Hamlets.' Indeed, the children are of utmost importance and always should be!

"The people are not happy with you Cameron and Clegg or the government that came before you..." 'Clegg' only tried to warn you, but no one wanted to listen. 'Cameron'--not a big surprise there! Cameron only has one goal only, and that is to use everything and everyone in the process, to get what he wants. He doesn't care who he hurts along the way! He's notorious for leaving trails of sorrow and destruction. Unfortunately, he functions best at beginning Wars. That's his 'nature.' NOW, where is 'Cameron?' Probably out there, trying to still get what he really wants--which of course, is NOT his for the taking! And he leaves everyone else around him, to figure things out for themselves. Not good!

"...the power of duality cannot be missed in the borough of Tower Hamlets." Yes, I know about that 'power of duality.' Tried to warn you. Now, much will have to be figured out. This is where it gets 'real', really quick! And I would think that 'Cameron' lives up to his name well--'Cam-e-RUN.' Perhaps he's gone already? I know his Agenda, as I've already stated it, above.

Yes, what is MOST IMPORTANT is the CHILDREN! Children shouldn't have to suffer like that! I do hope and pray that the Children of Tower Hamlets can find a way to better their situation and environment.

Forget about 'Cameron.' This is only a lose-lose situation. Go higher and better. It IS out there! Might have to rethink how you think and feel about many things around you, who you love and who are your enemies.

There doesn't have to be enemies in life. If a person would just simply open their hearts to those around them, regardless of religion, status, race, etc., then there can be peace. Just love those around you. Just LOVE. LOVE works the GREATEST MIRACLES in the World!


Eliakim said...

Anonymous you have no idea who I am.

I moved beyond duality years ago. Hence why I was the one that was sent to help sort the mess out.

To help sort it out, I have had to go where others are and not expect them to come to where I am.

The power of the Spiritual Alchemist is beyond your comprehension at this point in time Anonymous.

Obama and Cameron are on the same boat and that boat is sinking before their very eyes.

'enemy' is just a word, there are many words used in the bible to describe the adversaries of God.

God calls them 'adversaries' and 'vigilantes' in my experience. Although he did both the USA and Israel that the enemy was within. In other words within their own borders.

As we told you Anonymous 'Love without integrity is an ocean without fish, a library without books, a house without windows. A shell of love without a pearl of wisdom'. from Sacred Words.

Those that live in integrity, would never bomb Libya like Obama as done. Yet, you all support him and that allows him to continue bombing men, women and children.