Friday 24 June 2011

Prophecy Children Come

In the "Lightening Medicine Cloud" post it mentions "counting now" and the children are certainly standing up and being counted. We mentioned the prophecies about the children in the past, so let us do a review of what we have shared. First let us see this wonderful video of the young people in the USA rising up against the US military. 

God bless them all that stand up to injustice and defend themselves mind, body and soul. 

"Violence disempowers the soul and vexes the Spirit of God" from Sacred Words 

Prophecies about the children. 



Prophet Isaiah gave a beautiful prophecy about the children. 

When they see among them their children, the work of my hands, they will keep my name holy; they will acknowledge the holiness of the Holy One of Jacob, and will stand in awe of the God of Israel. Those who are wayward in spirit will gain understanding; those who complain will accept instruction." Isaiah 29 

Glory be to God 

In chapter 29 Prophet Isaiah also mentions the defender of the innocent and one of the meanings of the word Paraclete is advocate. In other words a defender in law and in this reality it is the defender of the spiritual law, defender of the children and their human rights. Defender of the innocent of all cultures and nations, defender of the Spiritual body of humanity. 

Prophet Isaiah delivered a very powerful message from God about those that stand in the way of the Paraclete and the will of God. God is not happy with anyone that deprives the innocent of justice. It is also written that the" In that day the deaf will hear the words of the scroll, and out of gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind will see."

May the will of God be done. 


Zohar Prophecy - The Children

"When the days of the Messiah will get close, even little children shall find the secrets of wisdom, and will understand the calculations, and at that time it will be revealed to all" (Zohar VaYera) [1]

Criteria of the prophecy: 

1. Little children 
2. Secrets
3. Wisdom 
4. Understanding 
5. Calculations 
6. Revealed [2]

No surprise then that this is post 99 in June, 999, was the day we delivered the covenant for the children. 

In England, 99's are the name of an ice cream with one or two chocolate flakes. Cadbury state that the name came from an Italian King who had 99 men, anything really special or first class came to be known as 99. Who loves ice cream and chocolate? Children. You will notice that the ice cream is shaped like a swan. The swan of grace. There is also a cone that looks like a column, it is what is on top of the column that really counts. One might also view it is a pillar. so what is engraved on the pillar? Do you know? The sweetness of GRACE, that you can hold in your right hand and consume if you choose to. 

I used to say to friends that once you have baked the cake, then comes the jam, cream and the cherry on the cake. That comes before the manna of the unleavened bread. After that there is no more cake, so do not rush your journey home to God, enjoy and savor each piece, like eating the very best chocolate cake. 

Divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. Divine love is the food that feeds the soul. 

Come, children come. 



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