Saturday, 18 June 2011

Prophets and Priests Perish

In April 2011, we received the message about Abadu USA. The eclipse on the 1st of July as the magnitude of 97. That is the value of MELEK and it means king. It is also the value of DOVE, STAR and ABAD and abad means to perish. Why do people perish? They do not heal themselves.

The word can be found in Jeremiah 23:1 and it speaks of the righteous branch of the LORD and what happens to those that call themselves prophets and priests. The original message about Abadu was given for the USA, it is to do with the spiritual and religious leaders in the USA. Those that spoke of peace and told the people to back Obama, are a perfect example of what this prophecy is about. The healed could see straight through Obama and his intentions.

The perishing of the peace makers also aligns with the prophecy about the olive tree, and how there will not be many olives left.

Jeremiah 23 tells you that they will face the consequences for leading the people astray. Harold Camping is a perfect example of that, just look what happened to him.

For the righteous branch is here now.

The prophecy talks about the 'scattering' and we wrote about that the other day on our other blog. Jeremiah chapter 23 states:

"Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!. Declares the LORD". 

"The days are coming when I shall raise up for David a righteous branch, a King that will reign wisely and do what is right and just in the land". Micah 4 also tells you that the watchtower for the flock, the daughter of ZION is given her kingship after her return from Babylon. (USA). The mission to the USA was in 2008.

Raise up is the clue to do with the name of the branch.

Jeremiah mentions the righteous branch again in Jeremiah 33:15.

"In those days and at that time, I will make a righteous branch sprout from David's line. He will do what is just and right in the land"

What is David's line? The true line of Jesse that is also about the eclipse on the 1st of July, 2011.

The prophecy speaks of the babylonians that is also mentioned in Rev 17 & 18, to do with the USA.

The chapter mentions health and healing. It states that flocks will again pass under the hand of the one that counts them. What is counting to do with? The Soferim and wisdom that was called to carry it out in Rev 13 to identify the man, Obama.

In terms of health and healing it is to do with the hand, that is placed upon the people to give them healing. Hence, why they pass under the hand.

So again we have a criteria for the Jeremiah prophecy from two chapters 23 and 33 = 56 and I am 57 this year.

1. The name "raise up".  Eliakim means "Whom God will raise up"

2. Righteous branch from David's line = from the root of Jesse. Why a righteous branch? They are the teacher of righteousness.

3. Health and healing, their speciality is health and healing. They have healing hands.

4. Soferim, the count and the values thereof.

Before I wrote this Abba said 'KAVA' and in Hebrew it means 'to collect' 'to gather'.

We also have cava and that is a sparkling white wine. We did share a birthday bottle of champagne
with a friend last night. Rumi also wrote about how a mystic is like a white wine without dregs.


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