Saturday 11 June 2011


We have been telling people to get their house in order for years. However, when we speak of getting your house in order, we speak of the inner you, because the inner you, co-creates impacts on the environmental factors. This is now proven by science, nature, nurture and environment.

When my son and I returned from Australia, every household in the UK received a survival brochure to do with terrorism and environmental issues. Nothing more was heard after that.

Many accusations have been thrown at me by a poster (USA) on this blog and my accusers from the past (USA) are now finding out that what I said was true. When we told the people that the USA was being set up for the fall, they called me all the names under the sun. After Obama was elected they saw it happen before their very eyes.

The LORD gives people warnings to help you, not hinder you,  forewarned is forearmed. Then it is up to you what you choose to do about it. However, the Torah also warns you that you will be held personally accountable if anyone is harmed. Due to you not passing on the warnings to the people,  delivered by his prophet that he promised to send for the children of Abraham.

The bible warned the people about those that live in denial of what is happening under their own noses. It warned the light of understanding about the accusers, the mockers and those that spoke of peace and did not wish to hear the word of God in the here and now.

There are always people that live in denial of their own co-creation. However, this is no time for denial or burying your heads in the sand, and we have been telling the people this for years.

Prophet Malachi informed the people what would happen if people did not accept this reality and do the will of God as instructed. Prophet Malachi advised that the measure that you give will be the measure that you received and he predicted that the people would rob God and then face the consequences for doing so.

And Israel as not escaped either from the warnings that were given to them to help them in advance either. The bible also tells them that if they don't take this reality to their hearts that they would suffer the consequences. First the war in 2006, then the fire in 2010, next the floods are predicted for Israel in the bible.

We did all that we could to help the USA for over three years on a daily basis, and we still deliver messages here, if and when appropriate. However, due to the USA, the land of ESAU not following instructions, the LORD pressured me to remove my light from the USA a few months ago. That wasn't easy to do and he had been pressuring me for a long time. As we informed you, the USA chose to learn the hard way in the school of hard knocks instead of do it the easy way, the way of God. Since we have removed our light from the USA, conditions there have descended as predicted in the bible. The bible pre-warned the people that it is only the seed from the hand of Joseph that can help the USA, from becoming stubble.

People can always return whenever they wish to the sacred and holy, and Prophet Isaiah did predict that some would be driven out to build a strong new nation elsewhere. This is where New Jerusalem will be built. His new holy city.

When the Sons of Light align their will with the will of God then we can move forwards and help the people to put an end to the suffering. As the Son of God said 'Those that remain silent are complaint to the suffering in the world'.

We await your return to the sacred and holy.

"But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves." Mal 4:2 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...