Monday 13 June 2011


We mentioned that the first time there was a saros 130, total lunar eclipse was in 1921. What followed in the Islamic world at that time? A major fatal blow of fate hit the Islamic Caliphate, it was abolished within a very short space of time.  It was abolished on the 3rd March, 1924, within three years of the eclipse. Three years from this eclipse on the 15th of June takes us to 2014.

No surprise then that prior to the eclipse, (1911),  Rome was warring with the Ottomans over Libya, just like Obama is warring with Libya today.

The Ottoman empire was destroyed from within, just like Islam is destroying itself from within. The LORD allows the people to destroy themselves with their own hands. It is all part of the spiritual law of cause and effect.

The chief symbol of the Caliphates was a green flag and the Sultans carried it themselves. As you know the LORD said 'The Sultans are leaving'. Indeed, they are. This eclipse on the 15th of June will deliver a mighty blow to Islam. Remember this, the wondrous woman from heaven as the moon under her feet. Rev 12. It is a time of reaping what you have sown.

Walid Shoebat was correct when he wrote "It is crucial for Westerners to understand that the fundamental duty of Islam is to Arabize the world-to unite humanity under one language, one government, and one religion: Islam.' It is an attempt to reverse what God did to the 'Tower of Babel'.

It is clear that what Islam stands for is the exact opposite to the Jewish prophets. Prophet Isaiah warned the people not to make all the fields one. Prophet Micah also made predictions about this timeline that are the complete opposite to what most Muslims believe. In my experience Muslims are innocent because they do not know the prophecies of the Jewish Prophets.

The length of this total lunar eclipse on the 15th of June is 101, on the back of Walid's book he wrote:

God's war on terror is one of the most important books ever to be written on End-Times prophecy. Walid said `I have wasted my college days on taking courses on Psychology 101, English 101, Sociology 101, but I never imagined Futurology 101.

Walid also states that all of the prophecies in the bible are against Muslim countries. Think again Walid Shoebat. The bible prophecy for the last days of the end times relates to all nations not just Islamic ones. Why is that? No nation can escape the spiritual law of the CREATOR, the nations are reaping what they have sown. The nation where you live Walid is mentioned in Rev 13, 17,18, just for starters. Obama is the Leopard from Africa, and Rev 2 warns humanity about the Turkey, where Jezebel (USA) was living and working.

As we told you, this time is being shortened for the sake of the spiritually elect. However, you did not wish to hear it, did you?

There shall be no Islamic Caliphate, there shall be no new world order that governments are proposing. The people shall take back their lands from government leaders. People unite, unite against Obama and his war mongering.


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