Sunday 19 June 2011


This crop circle was reported on the 18th of June 2011 and 18 is the number of 'Materialism striving to destroy spirituality'. 18 divided by 6, is also the man 666 mentioned in Rev 13, the number of the beast that is the Leopard mentioned in Rev 13, and the book of Daniel is Obama. This is also the 6th month of the year and that gives 24 that is compounded to the number six. The soferim of six is 'Discrimination' and 'Imagination'.

The name of the location is COW DROVE HILL and clearly the cows are being driven. You all know who the women are who are involved in Obama's adminstration, so keep a good check on what they are up to, because they are following the orders of Obama.

The crop circle itself looks like the weave of a basket and also a carpet. What do weavers do? Make carpets and we have already discussed the 'Persian' and 'AXminister' carpets in a previous crop circle post. So how long will it be before the Prince of Persia gets the AX? Let's see what else the crop circle as to tell us.

I see three planets on the outer rim and three on the inner rims, 3+3 = 6 again. I do feel that this crop circle is talking about the importance of the next six months. I see that there is only three small organizations that are very close to Obama.  He is keeping the big boys at bay as much as possible, in other words he is not telling them his secrets.

I also view three eclipses and the sheer impact of this month of June, and all that as come out of it. As we know the next eclipse is on the 1st of July, 2011 and that is the Jesse eclipse. In the first photograph of the crop there is also three people standing in the centre of it, and the centre of the planet is Jerusalem, it is the power centre of the solar plexus and plexus is to do with the network. Does it remind you of computer networks?

It looks like one man is leaving the talks and the other two remain. Remember what we shared with you in the last post about the freemasons worshipping King Solomon. What religion permits multiple wives like King Solomon in the 21st century? The location of this crop circle was nr Kings Somborne in Hampshire. Kings = Multiple Kings that like to have multiple wives, a man's world indeed.

There are tram lines in this crop circle and they always remind me of Holland. It is clear that the words of Geert Wilder have been heard loud and clear, by those that understand the energies of the cosmos and its different spheres of operation.

The soferim of this crop circle is not easy, due to the number of breaks in it. So let us begin at the centre.

Six inner circles and three spheres = 9 + 4 = 13 = Rev 13.

13 plus one more rim = 14, + seven pieces to do with the outer rim gives us 21 and this is the 21st century that was born in wisdom.

21 + another eight on the outer rim = 29 and 29 is the number of 'Grace Under Pressure'.

The 18th of June was also the 'Day of SECURITY'. So now you can see what this crop circle is all about. They're doing their utmost to secure their own security. Now you already know that the USA use an outside security company and they are also involved in wars abroad. In other words they are mercenaries.

You also know that the IMF and CIA have been hacked by the hackers. So security is now a major issue for the USA, and the Obama administration will be doing all that it can to stop them. So we shall call this the 'SECURITY WEAVE CROP CIRCLE". Remember this, when they gave the Native Americans blankets they were infected with small pox. What do carpets get infested with? Cat fleas. Obama is sure to use his cat fleas on the internet in the lead up to the next election. What do the flea's do? Suck the blood out of you like a vampire and blood is symbolic of life.

Use your energy wisely. don't allow it to be taken by others. Save and conserve your energy, for the most important time of all now. Its important that you concentrate, stay focussed and defend those that stand against Obama, don't let the fleas get at them.


A lot more will be exposed in the next six months, so keep your eyes and ears open to every eventuality and keep your own computers on high security alert.


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