Saturday, 25 June 2011

Boar Ron Paul -v- Leopard Obama

A lot is being said about Ron Paul at the moment so let us review what we have shared in the past. [1] Many Christians and Americans disagree with me that Obama is the Leopard mentioned in the book of Daniel and Revelation chapter 13. However, this prophecy from Nostradamus confirms that I am right again. Ron Paul was born in the Chinese Year of the Boar and Obama is a Leo, the Leopard.

“In the third month, at sunrise,
the Boar and the Leopard meet on the battlefield.
The fatigued Leopard looks up to heaven
and sees an Eagle flying too high near the sun.”

In March 2009. 

The Leopard is mentioned in the Book of Daniel and Revelation and he is given his throne by the beast, of course the Leopard comes from Africa and is none other than Obama. The Eagle is also symbolic of America. The Boar was just one of many visions and messages that was given by God at the same time on the same day. [1]

In the last few days I keep being given the smell of vomit. In leviticus it states: 

"And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you."

"As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly'. Proverbs 26:11 

"And the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land."Jonah 2:10

Jonah means DOVE in Hebrew. In the last judgement fresco the prophet is at the top of it with the sign of Jonah, the whale that turned up in Israel in 2010, exactly as Christ predicted it would. Jonah is also about this timeline when everything underneath the throne that the prophet sits on his being smashed. As the bible predicted the old heaven and earth is passing away. 

It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,”and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”2 Peter 2. The chapter in the NT is about this timeline. 

It states 'They promise them freedom while they themselves are slaves of depravity-for people are slaves to whatever as mastered them'. That is because they have not become masters of themselves. 

I hear good things about Ron Paul and his conscience. However, what did he do to transform the medical profession? Did he stand up to the pharmaceutical industry? Or is Ron Paul the man to save them? As Ron Paul ever been a consultant or advisor to a pharmaceutical company? As he ever accepted money from them? Does he call psychiatry toxic like Dr Peter Breggin? Did Ron Paul ever refuse the pharmaceutical companies or was he entertained by them like other doctors? Did Ron Paul sell his inheritance for a dinner like the rest of the men from Edom? 

If I had to choose between Ron Paul and Obama, then it would definitely be Ron Paul. 

However, out of the huge American population, is Ron Paul the best that they can come up with? He isn't exactly young either, is he just another puppet on a string? In the last election campaign Ron said that the USA required a doctor. Well the USA does not require a doctor that supports the pharmaceutical industry and its corporations. 

Its time for a Native American President, a leader from the first nation. A person that as not defiled the people and the land with drugs and chemicals. It requires a man or woman that can lead the country into ecological self-sustainable living. So that the people can live off the grid with no energy bills. A person that will encourage the people to grow their own organic food and harvest their own water. A man that can turn their hearts to the children and put children first. It requires a person for our times of the greatest transition witnessed in human history. It requires a person that understands the root causes of the core issues, a person that can inspire the youth of America to become masters of themselves. A true spiritual mentor for a new era of spiritual growth in their nation. 

The USA requires a spiritual leader to get them back on track, not a freemason. 

2 Peter 2 also mentions Baalam and we made a post on its connections to Obama earlier this month. 


While I was writing the above I was given the smell of sweet flowers. 



Anonymous said...

Ist and foremost good news for those written in the book of life!!!! J will collect the church and they will not be here after the 3.5 years. The Escape will commence, thank you!!! That video of a wild boar vs leopard is symbolic of RP vs O! Too many signs, and number calculations, 666 lotto number, H Hawaii 666, 216, leopard-Leo, Barry Bull-666 is his association name! BARrack Obama BHO- 666, there the name too! RFID chips by 3rd month of 2013 not long after a G. Sores F(corp) election fraud 8 years in office after 3 1/2 abomination of the desolation of the temple of marriage! The destruction of A will happen( nation that broke covenant= actually political fault, but we pay anyway now) Bawrack means blaspheme again, there are others but come on wake up. I only can wait for my escape and most of the world loves him so much Why? So kids from the bill sec 2521 can all get chipped up, gpsed, know every poop you take, ah he's great, eternal blah yuckkkkkkk, Well I hope I woke up the zombies in America! Only J can save you, thank you sir!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oDaniels 12 explains an event besides the second coming without judgement and fits a time of unsurpassed distress until nations began. An escape will take place championed by J and God gives the time! Not for the luke warm either! Only his bride! The ones left will be here for 7 years and then the judgement day! God's wrath will HURT so bad! I want no part of it unfortunately I'm A and destruction will take place. I only want to help others now is the time to repent and convert completely or else! 400 + prophecies and counting! Somein wonderful, I shall accept!

Anonymous said...

I actually welcomed him and thought he would be doing some good. Wrong opposite of what he says, change for worst. Dang it I hate this but I'm not a liar and that is what is happening, I really wanted w out and it was real sick but you would have to go back to JFK to talk about great Pres's! I want people to post and tell everyone and pass the word because this country is in dire straights and worst! Take Care everyone!!!!!!!